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Attribute Definition

An attribute represents some information held by a class.

The attribute can have many properties, and can be defaulted to a certain value.

It is important to distinguish an attribute from the concept of a 'field' or 'instance variable' in Java or another programming language. An attribute is a UML/Umple entity that represents simple data. In Java it will become a field, but there will also be methods associated with the Umple attribute to get it, set it, and constrain its value. An attribute may also automatically be added to the argument list of the constructor and constructed in the constructor. In addition to representing attributes, Java fields also represent the ends of associations. Both attributes and associations should be considered more abstract than fields.

A summary of the generated methods for each attribute can be found on the API summary page.

Umple state machines are a special kind of attribute, and Umple also allows you to inject code that will constrain or alter the values of attributes using aspect-oriented techniques.

The example below shows the basic properties of attributes.


class Group 
  // Simple Umple Integer. Note that code generation
  // in different languages will use the simplest
  // native type in that language. In Java it will
  // use int.
  // The initial value must be supplied through a
  // constructor argument.
  // The value can later be accessed through set and
  // get methods (here setI and getI).
  Integer i;

  // const: Declares a constant (static final in Java).
  const Integer Max = 100;

  // immutable: A constructor argument is required so
  // it can be set at construction time; cannot be
  // changed after that since no set method is
  // generated.
  immutable String str;
  // lazy: A constructor argument is not required.
  // Numbers are initialized to zero.
  // Objects (including Strings) are initialized to null,
  // Booleans are initialized to false.
  lazy Time t;
  lazy Boolean b;
  lazy s;
  // settable: Set using a constructor argument and
  // can be changed after that. This is the default,
  // so the settable keyword can be omitted.
  settable Date d;
  // internal: No getter and setter methods created.
  // Only for private use in internal methods. However
  // in this case it is initalized using =  The code
  // following = is in the 'base' language, here Java.
  internal Time t2 = new Time(

  // unique: Every new object created must have a
  // unique new value assigned.
  // You can get the value. You can set it as well,
  // but it has to be unique.  
  unique u;

  // autounique: Every new object created will have a
  // new integer assigned.
  // You can get the value (an integer) but not set it.  
  autounique x;

  // The value is initialized as shown in the constructor.
  // There is no constructor argument generated.
  String q = "chicken"; 
  // defaulted: Set in the constructor to the default,
  // and can be reset to the default any time by
  // calling a reset method (here resetP()). 
  // Can also be set to any other value using setP().
  // The default can be queried by calling getDefaultP().
  defaulted String p = "robot";
  // Similar to the above, except this shows that if
  // no type is given, then the default type is String.
  defaulted r = "";
// @@@skipcppcompile


Load the above code into UmpleOnline



// Details of attributes. See user manual page AttributeDefinition
attribute : [[simpleAttribute]]
    | [[autouniqueAttribute]]
    | [[multivaluedAttribute]]
    | [[derivedAttribute]]
    | [[complexAttribute]]

simpleAttribute- : [~name] ;

autouniqueAttribute- : [=autounique] [~name] ;

multivaluedAttribute- : [=unique]? [=lazy]? [=ivar]? [=modifier:immutable
    |fixml]? [type]? [[list]] [~name]
  (= { [**value] }
  )? ;

derivedAttribute- : [=modifier:immutable
    |fixml]? [[typedName]] =
  ( [[moreCode]]

complexAttribute- : [=unique]? [=lazy]? [=ivar]? [=modifier:immutable
    |fixml]? [[typedName]]
  (= [**value]
  )? ;