Languages supported
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![]() ![]() ![]() User Manual [Previous]  [Next] Languages supportedUmple code can result in generation of various languages. Code from these languages can be inserted into Umple, or Umple can be inserted into code for the languages. The resulting systems can be used as part of larger projects involving these languages. Here is the status of the programming languages currently:
Umple also generates a rich assortment of other outputs. The complete current list can be seen using the command line with the --help option; the list also appears below. Several Graphviz diagrams can be generated (UML class diagrams, UML state diagrams, Entity-relationship diagrams, etc.), as can formal methods code in NuXmv and Alloy, and various forms of analysis outputs such as state tables and metrics. Syntax// The generate clause can be used to generate multiple outputs // The --override is used to say that subsequent generate statements will be ignored generate : generate [=language:Java  |Nothing  |Php  |RTCpp  |SimpleCpp  |Ruby  |Python  |Cpp  |Json  |StructureDiagram  |Yuml  |Violet  |Umlet  |Simulate  |TextUml  |Scxml  |GvStateDiagram  |GvClassDiagram  |GvFeatureDiagram  |GvClassTraitDiagram  |GvEntityRelationshipDiagram  |Alloy  |NuSMV  |NuSMVOptimizer  |Papyrus  |Ecore  |Xmi  |Xtext  |Sql  |StateTables  |EventSequence  |Umple  |UmpleSelf  |USE  |Test  |SimpleMetrics  |PlainRequirementsDoc  |Uigu2  |ExternalGrammar]  ( [=suboptionIndicator:-s  |--suboption] " [**suboption] "  )* ; generate_path : generate [=language:Java  |Nothing  |Php  |RTCpp  |SimpleCpp  |Ruby  |Python  |Cpp  |Json  |StructureDiagram  |Yuml  |Violet  |Umlet  |Simulate  |TextUml  |Scxml  |GvStateDiagram  |GvClassDiagram  |GvFeatureDiagram  |GvClassTraitDiagram  |GvEntityRelationshipDiagram  |Alloy  |NuSMV  |NuSMVOptimizer  |Papyrus  |Ecore  |Xmi  |Xtext  |Sql  |StateTables  |EventSequence  |Umple  |UmpleSelf  |USE  |Test  |SimpleMetrics  |PlainRequirementsDoc  |Uigu2  |ExternalGrammar] " [**output] " [=override:--override  |--override-all]?  ( [=suboptionIndicator:-s  |--suboption] " [**suboption] "  )* ; |