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Transportation Pattern A

Transportation systems for airlines, bus networks and train networks have many things in common. This is a high level pattern to capture one way of representing common features of those models.

The pattern consists of traits representing

  • Generic Routes with an ID
  • RegularlyScheduledRun on those routes
  • ActualRun (occurrences) of the above
  • ScheduledStop
  • Vehicles used

    This is only one possible design for a transportation system, but it illustrates some possibilities. The two examples show how the design has been applied to create an airline system and a bus system.

    Experiment with the diagrams in UmpleOnline. You can use control-G and Control-E to switch layout; you can use control-R to toggle between viewing traits or collapsed classes.


    Transportation pattern code that is imported by specifying use lib:TransportationPatternA.ump

    // This is a library of traits that can be used
    // to build the core of transportation systems
    use lib:AbstractionOccurrence.ump;
    // A route such as a flight or bus route
    trait Route <Stop> {
     routeID; // generic ID for all runs on this route, e.g. bus route number the public sees
     * -- * Stop;
    // A run pattern at a particular time of day that
    // is repeated on multiple days
    trait RegularlyScheduledRun <Route, ScheduledStop> {
     isA Abstraction;
     runId; // e.g. a flight number / Bus systems tend to hide this from public
     String plannedDaysOfWeek; // e.g. "135" for Mon, Wed, Fri
     * -- 1 Route;
     Boolean forwardDirection; // only relevent if routeID is same in both directions
     1 -- * ScheduledStop; // contains the times of the stops in order; not all runs may stop at all stops on route.
    // A stop on a particular regular run
    trait ScheduledStop <Stop> {
     * -- 1 Stop;
     Time expectedArrivalTime; // null for departure only
     Time expectedDepartureTime; // May be same as arrival time for busses. Null for arrival only
    trait Stop {
      stopName; // e.g. Airport, bus station etc.
    // People can book on this for flights. It can be late or cancelled
    trait ActualRun <RegularlyScheduledRun, Vehicle>  {
      isA Occurrence <Abstraction = RegularlyScheduledRun>;
      Date runDate;
      Boolean isCancelled;
      * -- 1 Vehicle vehicleUsed;
    // Specific plane, bus, etc.
    trait Vehicle {

    Load the above code into UmpleOnline


    Example of use of the above transportation pattern for an airline

    /* Example of using builtin Umple pattern files
    use lib:AbstractionOccurrence.ump;
    use lib:TransportationPatternA.ump
    // This shows how a general pattern for
    // transportation can be adapted to
    // describe an airline
    class AirlineRoute {
      isA Route <Stop = Airport>;
    class RegularFlight {
      isA RegularlyScheduledRun <
        Route = AirlineRoute,
        ScheduledStop = AirportStop
    class AirportStop {
      isA ScheduledStop <Stop = Airport>;
    class Airport {
      isA Stop;
    class SpecificFlight {
      isA ActualRun <
        RegularlyScheduledRun = RegularFlight,
        Vehicle = Airplane
    class Airplane {
      isA Vehicle;

    Load the above code into UmpleOnline


    Example of use of the above transportation pattern for a bus system

    /* Example of using builtin Umple pattern files
    to create a bus system
    use lib:AbstractionOccurrence.ump;
    use lib:TransportationPatternA.ump
    // This shows how a general pattern for
    // transportation can be adapted to
    // describe a bus system
    class BusRoute {
      Integer routeNumber;
      isA Route <Stop = BusStop>;
    class RegularlyTimedBusRun {
      isA RegularlyScheduledRun <
        Route = BusRoute,
        ScheduledStop = TimedStopAtBusStop
    class TimedStopAtBusStop {
      isA ScheduledStop <Stop = BusStop>;
    class BusStop {
      isA Stop;
    class BusRun {
      isA ActualRun <
        RegularlyScheduledRun = RegularlyTimedBusRun,
        Vehicle = Bus
    class Bus {
      isA Vehicle;

    Load the above code into UmpleOnline