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![]() ![]() ![]() User Manual [Previous]  [Next] State-Dependent MethodsA state-dependent method is a partial method body declared within a state machine. Each of these partial definitions are subsequently aggregated into a single function within the Umple class as switch cases. Note that while it is possible to define state-dependent methods across several state machines, the switched cases must be disjoint as the order within the cases is non-deterministic. Additionally, if a method of the same name and parameter set is provided in the same class then it is used as the default body for the function. Exampleclass Mario { Modifiers { Small { Normal { void onHit() { Die(); } } Invulnerable { void onHit() { // took no damage } } void render() { // draw small mario } EatMushroom -> Large; Star -> Small.Invulnerable; Die -> Dead; } Large { Normal { void onHit() { Shrink(); } } Invulnerable { void onHit() { // took no damage } } void render() { // draw large mario } Shrink -> Small; Star -> Large.Invulnerable; } Dead { void render() { // draw dying animation } } } } // @@@skipphpcompile - See #1351. State-dependent methods are exclusive to Java generation. // @@@skipcppcompile Load the above code into UmpleOnline Another Exampleexternal Thread {}; class Philosopher { isA Thread; Fork leftFork; Fork rightFork; String fname; boolean isLeftHanded; ForksInHand { NoForks { LookingForForks { void eat(){ if (isLeftHanded) { if (leftFork.take()) { System.out.println(fname + " picked up first fork (left)"); LeftForkAcquired(); } } else if (rightFork.take()) { System.out.println(fname + " picked up first fork (right)"); RightForkAcquired(); } } AteFood -> Idling; } Idling { BellyGrumble -> LookingForForks; } LeftForkAcquired -> ForkInLeft; RightForkAcquired -> ForkInRight; } ForkInLeft { void eat() { if (rightFork.take()) { System.out.println(fname + " picked up second fork (right)"); RightForkAcquired(); } } RightForkAcquired -> ForkInBoth; } ForkInRight { void eat() { if (leftFork.take()) { System.out.println(fname + " picked up second fork (left)"); LeftForkAcquired(); } } LeftForkAcquired -> ForkInBoth; } ForkInBoth { void eat() { System.out.println(fname + " is eating."); try { sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } AteFood(); leftFork.putDown(); rightFork.putDown(); } AteFood -> NoForks; } } Belly { IsHungry { boolean isHungry() { return true; } AteFood -> IsFull; } IsFull { void think() { System.out.println(fname + " is full. Now thinking..."); try { sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } BellyGrumble(); } BellyGrumble -> IsHungry; } } public void run() { while (true) { if (isHungry()) { eat(); } else { think(); } } } } class Fork { depend java.util.concurrent.*; Semaphore fork = new Semaphore(1); boolean take() { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } return fork.tryAcquire(); } void putDown() { fork.release(); } } class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ String[] names = {"Plato", "Aristotle", "Cicero", "Confucius", "Eratosthenes"}; int k = names.length; Philosopher[] philosophers = new Philosopher[k]; Fork[] forks = new Fork[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { forks[i] = new Fork(); } for (int i = 0; i< k; ++ i) { Fork leftFork = forks[i]; Fork rightFork = forks[(i + 1) % forks.length]; philosophers[i] = new Philosopher(leftFork, rightFork, names[i], i == k - 1); philosophers[i].start(); } } } // @@@skipphpcompile - See #1351. State-dependent methods are exclusive to Java generation. // @@@skipcppcompile Load the above code into UmpleOnline Syntax// Methods: The code in concrete methods is passed to the base language // See user manual page MethodDefinition concreteMethodDeclaration : [=modifier:public|protected|private]? [=static]? [=synchronized]? [=queued]? [type]? [[methodDeclarator]] [[methodThrowsExceptions]]? [[methodBody]]  | [=modifier:public|protected]? [=abstract] [type]? [[methodDeclarator]] [[methodThrowsExceptions]]? ; |