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// UML Class diagram representing a system for taking online orders for Pizza class Account { emailAddress; contactPhoneNumber; password; name; address; preferredCredCard; expiryDate; 0..1 -- * Order; } class Order { timePlaced; contactPhoneNumber; Float totalPrice; creditCardCharged; expiryDate; 1 -- * OrderItem; } class OrderItem { Integer number; Float totalPrice; } class PizzaOrder { isA OrderItem; kind; * -> * ToppingType toppings; * -> 1 StandardPizzaSize; } class ToppingType { description; } class StandardPizzaSize { sizeLabel; } class DrinkOrder { isA OrderItem; drinkSize; size; } class Delivery { Time timePickedUp; Time timeDelivered; * -- 0..1 Driver; 0..1 -- 1..* Order; } class Driver { name; } //$?[End_of_model]$? class Order { position 22 271 219 154; position.association Order__OrderItem 219,54 0,48; } class OrderItem { position 429 208 139 82; } class ToppingType { position 465 466 149 64; } class StandardPizzaSize { position 15 472 135 46; } class DrinkOrder { position 494 349 109 46; } class Driver { position 506 49 109 46; } class Account { position 20 46 218 160; position.association Account__Order 32,160 30,0; } class Delivery { position 260 47 160 75; position.association Delivery__Driver 160,12 0,10; position.association Delivery__Order 67,75 219,10; } class PizzaOrder { position 267 437 109 58; position.association PizzaOrder__StandardPizzaSize 0,43 136,9; position.association PizzaOrder__ToppingType:toppings 109,39 0,10; } // @@@skipcppcompile