Package joptsimple

Interface ValueConverter<V>

Type Parameters:
V - constraint on the type of values being converted to
All Known Implementing Classes:
DateConverter, InetAddressConverter, RegexMatcher

public interface ValueConverter<V>
Instances of this interface are used to convert arguments of options into specific Java types.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    V convert​(java.lang.String value)
    Converts the given string value into a Java type.
    java.lang.String valuePattern()
    Gives a string that describes the pattern of the values this converter expects, if any.
    java.lang.Class<V> valueType()
    Gives the class of the type of values this converter converts to.
  • Method Details

    • convert

      V convert​(java.lang.String value)
      Converts the given string value into a Java type.
      value - the string to convert
      the converted value
      ValueConversionException - if a problem occurs while converting the value
    • valueType

      java.lang.Class<V> valueType()
      Gives the class of the type of values this converter converts to.
      the target class for conversion
    • valuePattern

      java.lang.String valuePattern()
      Gives a string that describes the pattern of the values this converter expects, if any. For example, a date converter can respond with a date format string.
      a value pattern, or null if there's nothing interesting here