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/* Example to show how to define inline mixsets. */ // The mixset M1 has been defined as inline mixset. this because the definition of the mixset is followed by a class definition. mixset M1 class A { isA B; isA C; x; } // M1 also is inline mixset because it has been followed by a trait definition without curly brackets. // The usuall definition of M1 is: /* mixset M1 { trait B { y; } } */ mixset M1 trait B { y; } // M2 is an inline mixset that defines an interface. mixset M1 interface C { void method(); } class D { // M3 adds an attribute for class D. It's an inline mixset since there is no mention to which a class attr1 belongs to. // However, Umple parser understands this implicit definition. Therefore, the attr1 will be added to the class D. mixset M3 {attr1;} } //The line below will cause error since the interface E is empty. //Mixset M4 interface E {} use M1; use M2; use M3;