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// Example of creating a lengthy output in Umple
// from a template. Note this is plain text.
// See the next page for html generation.
// The company is, of course, fictitious.
class RefLetterRequest {
// Attributes used to construct the instance
String fileno; String recipient; String applicant;
String sender; String senderTitle;
// Letter template
letterTemplate <>, File #<<=fileno>>
Dear <<=recipient>>,
Our company, Umple Enterprises, is hiring talented software
We have received an application from <<=applicant>> who named you
as an individual who could provide a letter of reference. Would you
please reply to this letter, answering the following questions:
* In what capacity do you know <<=applicant>>
* For how long have you known <<=applicant>>
* Describe the abilities of <<=applicant>> in software development
* What his or her strengths and weaknesses?
* Please provide your phone number and suitable times to call in
case we need to follow up
Yours sincerely,
// Specification of the method to generate
emit letterTemplate()(letterTemplate);
// Main program to generate the letter
public static void main(String[] argv) {
if(argv.length < 5) {
System.err.println("You must specify arguments for fileno, recipient, applicant, sender, sendertitle");
// Output the entire result
else System.out.print(new RefLetterRequest(
argv[0], argv[1],argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]
// @@@skipcppcompile - Contains Java Code
// @@@skipphpcompile - Contains Java Code
// @@@skiprubycompile - Contains Java Code
// @@@skippythoncompile - Contains Java Code