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// Core class of the example // A company is a corporation class Company { name; // A company must have a BoardOfDirectors // that must be created at the same time // as the Company itself 1 -- 1 BoardOfDirectors; } // BoardOfDirectors is in a 1-1 relationship // with Company meaning that theoretically it // could just be merged into the Company class // However to facilitate separation of concerns // it is sometimes best to keep such classes // separate class BoardOfDirectors { // A BoardMember is just a member of one // board (but a person can be on multiple // boards using multiple BoardMembers) 1 -- * BoardMember; } // A board must have a set of members // Former board members tracked class BoardMember { bio; // Brief description of background lazy Date joinedBoard; lazy Date leftBoard; // One of the roles a person could play would // be as a Board member * boardMembership -- 1 Person; } // Generic Person class class Person { name; Date dateOfBirth; } // Mixin with a main program demonstrating // manipulation of 1--1 and other associations class Company { depend java.sql.Date; public static void main(String [] args) { // First create some instances of Person // They are initially not on any boards Person p1 = new Person("Alice", Date.valueOf("1990-01-01")); Person p2 = new Person("Bob", Date.valueOf("1991-02-02")); // Create a Company using the simpler of its // two constructors that doesn't require a // board to already exist. This will actually // create the BoardOfDirectors at the same time Company c = new Company("UmpleCorp"); BoardOfDirectors b = c.getBoardOfDirectors(); b.addBoardMember("Largest Shareholder", p1); b.addBoardMember("Founder", p2); // Output the results to prove that this works System.out.println("Key company info: "+c); System.out.println("Board members: "+ b.getBoardMembers()); } }//$?[End_of_model]$? class Company { position 50 30 109 45; } class BoardOfDirectors { position 50 149 123 41; position.association BoardMember__BoardOfDirectors 124,23 0,6; } class BoardMember { position 275 150 144 92; position.association BoardMember:boardMembership__Person 30,0 29,75; } class Person { position 276 17 140 75; } // @@@skipphpcompile Contains Java code // @@@skippythoncompile - Contains Java Code // @@@skipcppcompile