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// This system has many delegation methods so that information in one class can // be obtained in a neighbouring class easily. The delegation is created using // derived attributes, which generate get methods for use by other code. class Airline { code; name; 1 -- * RegularFlight; } // A regular flight flies every day and has a flight number and other fixed data. class RegularFlight { Integer number; Time depTime; * outgoing -- 1 Airport origin; * incoming-- 1 Airport destination; fullNumber = {getAirline().getCode()+getNumber()} } // A specific flight actually has passengers class SpecificFlight { * -- 1 RegularFlight; Date depDate; // Four delegation attributes to save multiple methods in this // class from having to traverse the association flightNumber = {getRegularFlight().getFullNumber()} Airport origin = {getRegularFlight().getOrigin()} Airport destination = {getRegularFlight().getDestination()} Time plannedDepTime = {getRegularFlight().getDepTime()} } // A passenger on a flight class Booking { lazy seat; * -- 1 SpecificFlight; * -- 1 Passenger; // Second-level delegation - data comes from RegularFlight flightNumber = {getSpecificFlight().getFlightNumber()} Airport destination = {getSpecificFlight().getDestination()} // Simple delegation passengerName = {getPassenger().getName()} Time plannedDepTime = {getSpecificFlight().getPlannedDepTime()} //Simple method using the data gathered by delegation public String toString() { return getFlightNumber()+" "+getPlannedDepTime()+" "+ getDestination().getName()+" "+getPassengerName()+" "+getSeat(); } } class Passenger { lazy Integer freqFlyerNumber; name; } class Airport { code; name; } // Mixin with main program to test the above class Airline { public static void main(String [ ] args) { Airport ott = new Airport("YOW","Ottawa"); Airport tor = new Airport("YYZ","Toronto Pearson"); Airline a = new Airline("AO","Air Ottawa"); RegularFlight r = a.addRegularFlight(100,java.sql.Time.valueOf("13:12:00"),ott,tor); SpecificFlight f = r.addSpecificFlight(java.sql.Date.valueOf("2017-03-15")); Passenger p = new Passenger("John"); Booking b = new Booking(f,p); System.out.println(b); } }//$?[End_of_model]$? class RegularFlight { position 203 52 142 94; position.association Airport:destination__RegularFlight:incoming 104,94 0,30; position.association Airport:origin__RegularFlight:outgoing 142,53 84,0; } class Airport { position 426 186 109 77; } class Booking { position 43 464 175 128; position.association Booking__Passenger 183,79 0,15; position.association Booking__SpecificFlight 30,0 27,131; } class Airline { position 26 30 109 77; position.association Airline__RegularFlight 113,42 0,23; } class SpecificFlight { position.association RegularFlight__SpecificFlight 30,0 0,83; position 50 229 172 128; } class Passenger { position 311 485 189 77; } // @@@skipcppcompile - Contains Java Code // @@@skipphpcompile - Contains Java Code // @@@skiprubycompile - Contains Java Code // @@@skippythoncompile - Contains Java Code