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// Example to demonstrate filters. Uncomment one of // the filters shown below to display a different // diagram, or generate a different subset of the // code // This model describes abstract art consisting of // various shapes connected in 3-D space, some // of which can contain others. // Filter 1. Show only Shape3D // filter {include Shape3D;} // Filter 2: Show classes connected to Model3D with // one hop // filter {include Model3D; hops {association 1;}} // Filter 3: Show classes related to qualities // filter {namespace qualities ;} // Filter 4: Show Shape3D, its subclasses and all // their connections // filter {include Shape3D; hops {sub 1;}} // Filter 5: Including also includes parents // filter { include Cube;} // Filter 6: Show two classes and their neighbours // filter {include Surface, Model3D; hops {association 1;}} // Filters 7: Named filters and use of the named filter filter 7 {include Connector; hops {association 1;}} filter 7a {include Cube;} // includes its parents // filter {includeFilter 7,7a;} // Filters 8: Including classes that are associated // will always show the associations // filter { include Colour, SurfaceQuality;} // Filter 9: Use of patterns //filter { include M????3D,*Polyhedron;} // Filter 10: Excluding those that start with P (except superclasses) // filter { include ~P*;} class Point3D { Double x; Double y; Double z; } class Model3D { depend Qualities.*; depend Shapes.*; name; 1 -- * Shape3D; 1 -- * Connector; } namespace Qualities; class Colour { Integer red; Integer green; Integer blue; } class SurfaceQuality { * -> 1 Colour; Float reflectance; Float transparency; } namespace Shapes; // Shape3Ds are nodes, they can also contain other // Models inside themselves. class Shape3D { // All surfaces, points, connections // are relative to the centre which acts // as the Shapes origin. // The centre also positions the shape in 3-space. * -> 1 Point3D centre; // An Internal 3D model appears inside a Shape3D // All points are relative to the shape's centre 0..1 containingShape -<@> 0..1 Model3D internalModel; } // A surface is used to describe the shape // of one of the sides of a polyhedron // points are relative to the centre of the // polyhedron. The points must fall on some // 3D plane. class Surface { * -> * Point3D; * -> 1 SurfaceQuality; } // Connectors are sticks connecting 3D Shapes class Connector { * -> 2 Point3D ends; * -- 2 Shape3D connectedShapes; Double radius; * -- 1 SurfaceQuality; } class Sphere { isA Shape3D; Double radius; * -> 1 SurfaceQuality; } class Polyhedron { depend Qualities.*; isA Shape3D; 1 -- * Surface; } class RegularPolyhedron { isA Polyhedron; } class Cube { isA RegularPolyhedron; } strictness ignore 42; // hide namespace warnings //$?[End_of_model]$? class Colour { position 24 20 109 87; } class SurfaceQuality { position 193 38 144 71; position.association Colour__SurfaceQuality 0,15 112,46; } class Surface { position 9 178 109 45; position.association Point3D__Surface 111,39 0,26; position.association Surface__SurfaceQuality 25,0 5,73; } class Connector { position 244 154 112 54; position.association Connector__Point3D:ends 3,56 25,0; position.association Connector__SurfaceQuality 10,0 86,73; position.association Connector__Shape3D:connectedShapes 77,54 0,0; } class Sphere { position 51 438 112 54; position.association Sphere__SurfaceQuality 4,0 26,71; } class Polyhedron { position 193 437 109 45; position.association Polyhedron__Surface 37,0 57,45; } class Cube { position 228 632 109 45; } class Shape3D { position 379 326 109 45; position.association Point3D:centre__Shape3D 0,30 111,76; position.association Model3D:internalModel__Shape3D:containingShape 91,0 66,54; } class Model3D { position 396 170 109 54; position.association Model3D__Shape3D 35,54 30,0; position.association Connector__Model3D 0,5 120,46; } class Point3D { position 184 233 109 87; } class RegularPolyhedron { position 206 538 119 45; }