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@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") class Student { lazy Integer id; lazy name; // It is possible to specify multiple // UML entities to trace as follows // It is also possible to indicate interesting // information to record in addition to the // value of the element being traced trace id, name record "interesting behavior"; trace id record "Even more interesting"; // Traces will be triggered for each call to a 'set' method // and twice for id, since there are two trace statements for id public static void main(String [ ] args) { Student s = new Student(); s.setId(9); s.setName("Tim"); } } //$?[End_of_model]$? // @@@skipcppcompile - main is specifically java code. // @@@skipphpcompile - main is specifically java code. // @@@skiprubycompile - main is specifically java code. // @@@skippythoncompile - main is specifically java code.