/*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ package example; import org.lttng.ust.LTTngUst; // line 5 "../LttngTest1.ump" public class Tracer { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Tracer Attributes private String x; private int y; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Tracer(String aX, int aY) { x = aX; y = aY; LTTngUst.init(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setX(String aX) { boolean wasSet = false; LTTngUst.tracepointInt( System.currentTimeMillis()+","+Thread.currentThread().getId()+",LttngTest1.ump,9,Tracer,"+System.identityHashCode(this)+",at_s,x,"+x+","+(""+aX).toString().replace("\n","").replace(",",";"), Thread.currentThread().getId() ); x = aX; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public boolean setY(int aY) { boolean wasSet = false; LTTngUst.tracepointInt( System.currentTimeMillis()+","+Thread.currentThread().getId()+",LttngTest1.ump,10,Tracer,"+System.identityHashCode(this)+",at_s,y,"+y+","+(""+aY).toString().replace("\n","").replace(",",";"), Thread.currentThread().getId() ); y = aY; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public void delete() {} public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "x" + ":" + getX()+ "," + "y" + ":" + getY()+ "]"; } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ package example; import org.lttng.ust.LTTngUst; // line 5 "../LttngTest2.ump" public class Tracer { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Tracer Attributes private String str; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Tracer(String aStr) { str = aStr; LTTngUst.init(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setStr(String aStr) { boolean wasSet = false; LTTngUst.tracepointInt( System.currentTimeMillis()+","+Thread.currentThread().getId()+",LttngTest2.ump,14,Tracer,"+System.identityHashCode(this)+",at_s,str,"+str+","+(""+aStr).toString().replace("\n","").replace(",",";"), Thread.currentThread().getId() ); str = aStr; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getStr() { return str; } public void delete() {} // line 10 "../LttngTest2.ump" public static void main(String [] args){ LTTngUst.tracepointInt( System.currentTimeMillis()+","+Thread.currentThread().getId()+",LttngTest2.ump,15,Tracer,"+System.identityHashCode(this)+",me_e,main", Thread.currentThread().getId() ); Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UmpleExceptionHandler()); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UmpleExceptionHandler()); Tracer t = new Tracer(null); t.setStr("testing lttng tracer"); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "str" + ":" + getStr()+ "]"; } public static class UmpleExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { translate(e); if(e.getCause()!=null) { translate(e.getCause()); } e.printStackTrace(); } public void translate(Throwable e) { java.util.List<StackTraceElement> result = new java.util.ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(); StackTraceElement[] elements = e.getStackTrace(); try { for(StackTraceElement element:elements) { String className = element.getClassName(); String methodName = element.getMethodName(); boolean methodFound = false; int index = className.lastIndexOf('.')+1; try { java.lang.reflect.Method query = this.getClass().getMethod(className.substring(index)+"_"+methodName,new Class[]{}); UmpleSourceData sourceInformation = (UmpleSourceData)query.invoke(this,new Object[]{}); for(int i=0;i<sourceInformation.size();++i) { // To compensate for any offsets caused by injected code we need to loop through the other references to this function // and adjust the start / length of the function. int functionStart = sourceInformation.getJavaLine(i) + (("main".equals(methodName))?3:1); int functionEnd = functionStart + sourceInformation.getLength(i); int afterInjectionLines = 0; // We can leverage the fact that all inject statements are added to the uncaught exception list // before the functions that they are within for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (sourceInformation.getJavaLine(j) - 1 >= functionStart && sourceInformation.getJavaLine(j) - 1 <= functionEnd && sourceInformation.getJavaLine(j) - 1 <= element.getLineNumber()) { // A before injection, +2 for the comments surrounding the injected code if (sourceInformation.getJavaLine(j) - 1 == functionStart) { functionStart += sourceInformation.getLength(j) + 2; functionEnd += sourceInformation.getLength(j) + 2; } else { // An after injection afterInjectionLines += sourceInformation.getLength(j) + 2; functionEnd += sourceInformation.getLength(j) + 2; } } } int distanceFromStart = element.getLineNumber() - functionStart - afterInjectionLines; if(distanceFromStart>=0&&distanceFromStart<=sourceInformation.getLength(i)) { result.add(new StackTraceElement(element.getClassName(),element.getMethodName(),sourceInformation.getFileName(i),sourceInformation.getUmpleLine(i)+distanceFromStart)); methodFound = true; break; } } } catch (Exception e2){} if(!methodFound) { result.add(element); } } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } e.setStackTrace(result.toArray(new StackTraceElement[0])); } //The following methods Map Java lines back to their original Umple file / line public UmpleSourceData Tracer_main(){ return new UmpleSourceData().setFileNames("LttngTest2.ump").setUmpleLines(9).setJavaLines(49).setLengths(2);} } public static class UmpleSourceData { String[] umpleFileNames; Integer[] umpleLines; Integer[] umpleJavaLines; Integer[] umpleLengths; public UmpleSourceData(){ } public String getFileName(int i){ return umpleFileNames[i]; } public Integer getUmpleLine(int i){ return umpleLines[i]; } public Integer getJavaLine(int i){ return umpleJavaLines[i]; } public Integer getLength(int i){ return umpleLengths[i]; } public UmpleSourceData setFileNames(String... filenames){ umpleFileNames = filenames; return this; } public UmpleSourceData setUmpleLines(Integer... umplelines){ umpleLines = umplelines; return this; } public UmpleSourceData setJavaLines(Integer... javalines){ umpleJavaLines = javalines; return this; } public UmpleSourceData setLengths(Integer... lengths){ umpleLengths = lengths; return this; } public int size(){ return umpleFileNames.length; } } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ package example; import java.util.logging.*; import org.lttng.ust.agent.LTTngAgent; // line 5 "../LttngTest3.ump" public class Tracer { //------------------------ // STATIC VARIABLES //------------------------ public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Tracer.class.getName()); //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Tracer Attributes private String x; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Tracer(String aX) { x = aX; LTTngAgent lttngAgent = LTTngAgent.getLTTngAgent(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setX(String aX) { boolean wasSet = false; logger.info( System.currentTimeMillis()+","+Thread.currentThread().getId()+",LttngTest3.ump,8,Tracer,"+System.identityHashCode(this)+",at_s,x,"+x+","+(""+aX).toString().replace("\n","").replace(",",";") ); x = aX; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getX() { return x; } public void delete() {} public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "x" + ":" + getX()+ "]"; } }