// This example refers to Figures 2, 4, 5 and 6 of 'The Dagstuhl Middle Metamodel: 
// A Schema for Reverse Engineering', ATEM 2003, First International 
// Workshop on Meta-Models and Schemas for Reverse Engineering, 
// WCRE, Victoria, B.C., in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
// Science, Elsevier, Vol. 94, pp 7-18,
// Authors: Lethbridge, T.C., Sander Tichelaar, and Erhard Ploedereder (2003) 

// To load the entire DMM example at once, copy and paste all 
// five DMM components (DMM*) into the editor.  Please note that the
// position attributes of classes and associations will need to be 
// re-adjusted, as the example has been made to display the diagrams 
// as separate entities.

class ModelElement{

class StructuralElement{
  isA ModelElement;

class BehaviouralElement{
  isA ModelElement;

class Invokes{
  * invoked -- 1 BehaviouralElement invokes;
  * invokes -- 1 BehaviouralElement invoked;

class Accesses{
  * -- 1 BehaviouralElement;
  * -- 1 StructuralElement;

class Package{
  isA ModelElement;
  * -- 0..1 Package isSubpackageOf;

class Contains{
  * contains -- 1 Package partOf;
  0..1 -- 1 ModelElement;

class Type{
  isA StructuralElement;

class IsDefinedInTermsOf{
  * definesBy -- 1 Type definedBy;
  * definedBy -- 1 Type definesBy;

class Value{
  isA StructuralElement;

class IsOfType{
  0..1 -- 1 Value;
  * -- 1 Type;

class EnumerationLiteral{
  isA Value;

class IsEnumerationLiteralOf{
  1..* -- 1 EnumerationLiteral;
  * -- 1 EnumeratedType;

class Variable{
  isA Value;
  0..1 -- 0..1 Value hasValue;

class Property{
  isA Variable;
  1 -- 1 MethodInProperty;

class MethodInProperty{
  isA Method;

class EnumeratedType{
  isA Type;

class CollectionType{
  isA Type;

class StructuredType{
  isA Type;

class Field{
  isA Variable;

class IsFieldOf{
  1 -- 1 Field;
  * -- 1 StructuredType;

class FormalParameter{
  isA Variable;

class IsParameterOf{
  1 -- 1 FormalParameter;
  * -- 1 BehaviouralElement;

class Class{
  isA StructuredType;

class InheritsFrom{
  1 transmits -- * Class inherits;
  1 inherits -- * Class transmits;

class Imports{
  * -- 1 Package;
  * -- 1 Class;

class ExecutableValue{
  isA BehaviouralElement;

class Method{
  isA BehaviouralElement;
  Boolean isConstructor;
  Boolean isDestructor;
  Boolean isAbstract;
  Boolean isDynamicallyBound;
  Boolean isOverideable;

class IsMethodOf{
  * -- 1 Class methodOf;
  0..1 -- 1 Method hasMethod;

class Routine{
  isA BehaviouralElement;
class Method
  position 678 455 216 128;

class Class
  position 21 527 172 56;

class ModelElement
  position 359 11 129 58;

class FormalParameter
  position 546 457 109 58;

class CollectionType
  position 119 312 109 58;

class BehaviouralElement
  position 720 119 117 60;

class EnumerationLiteral
  position 364 332 131 41;

class Routine
  position 666 329 109 41;

class ExecutableValue
  position 803 330 131 46;

class Field
  position 318 457 109 41;

class StructuredType
  position 52 384 109 41;

class EnumeratedType
  position 188 381 109 41;

class Variable
  position 506 331 109 41;
  position.association 0 79,0 106,41;

class Value
  position 479 204 109 41;

class Type
  position 152 204 109 60;

class Package
  position 28 113 108 60;

class StructuralElement
  position 318 126 133 41;

class Property
  position 432 457 109 41;
  position.association 0 55,41 0,20;

// Association classes
class Accesses
  position 508 127 109 41;
  position.association 0 109,10 0,18;
  position.association 1 0,10 133,11;

class Invokes
  position 800 17 109 41;
  position.association 0 4,41 84,0;
  position.association 1 26,41 106,0;

class Contains
  position 24 14 109 41;
  position.association 0 24,41 20,0;
  position.association 1 109,23 0,26;

class IsOfType
  position 295 205 109 41;
  position.association 0 109,10 0,11;
  position.association 1 0,4 109,56;

class Imports
  position 6 226 109 41;
  position.association 0 62,0 40,60;
  position.association 1 26,41 11,0;


class IsDefinedInTermsOf
  position 154 110 135 41;
  position.association 0 38,41 40,0;
  position.association 1 10,41 12,0;

class IsParameterOf
  position 603 203 109 41;
  position.association 0 70,0 0,56.5;
  position.association 1 70,0 0,60;

class IsEnumerationLiteralOf
  position 260 269 135 41;
  position.association 0 90,41 0,30;
  position.association 1 28,41 100,0;

class IsFieldOf
  position 141 477 109 41;
  position.association 0 109,10 0,30;
  position.association 1 10,0 99,41;

class IsMethodOf
  position 363 551 109 41;
  position.association 0 0,10 172,34;
  position.association 1 109,10 0,106;

class InheritsFrom
  position 50 610 109 41;
  position.association 0 0,30 0,56;
  position.association 1 109,30 172,56;

class MethodInProperty
  position 740 630 132 49;

class Student

class Mentor

class Mentor
  position 60 160 109 41;

class Student
  position 100 100 109 41;

class Student

class Student
  position 60 60 109 41;

class Mentor

class Mentor
  position 60 160 109 41;

class Student

class Mentor

class Course

class Student
  position 60 60 109 41;

class Mentor
  position 60 160 109 41;

class Course
  position 60 260 109 41;

class Student

class Student
  position 138 153 109 41;

class A
  class B

class A
  position 60 60 109 41;

class B
  position 60 160 109 41;

class A
  class B

class B
  position 60 160 109 41;

class A
  position 60 60 109 41;

class Student

class Student

class Student
  position 50 30 109 41;

class A
  class B

class A
  position 60 60 109 41;

class B
  position 60 160 109 41;

class Student

class Mentor

associationClass Course
  * Student;
  * Mentor;  

class Student
  position 50 30 109 41;

class Mentor
  position 50 130 109 41;

class Course
  position 50 230 109 41;

class Student

class Mentor

associationClass Course
  * Student;
  * Mentor;

class Student
  position 50 30 109 41;

class Mentor
  position 50 130 109 41;

class Course
  position 50 230 109 41;