#PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 27 "../ReflexiveAssociationTest.ump" class OneToMany(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #OneToMany Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self, aOneToMany): self._oneToMany = None if not self.setOneToMany(aOneToMany) : raise RuntimeError ("Unable to create OneToMany due to aOneToMany. See http://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html") #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ # Code from template association_GetOne def getOneToMany(self): return self._oneToMany # Code from template association_SetUnidirectionalOne def setOneToMany(self, aNewOneToMany): wasSet = False if not (aNewOneToMany is None) : self._oneToMany = aNewOneToMany wasSet = True return wasSet def delete(self): self._oneToMany = None #PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 9 "../ReflexiveAssociationTest.ump" class Student(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #Student Attributes #Student Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self, aNumber): self._ta = None self._pupil = None self._number = None self._number = aNumber #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ def setNumber(self, aNumber): wasSet = False self._number = aNumber wasSet = True return wasSet def getNumber(self): return self._number # Code from template association_GetOne def getPupil(self): return self._pupil def hasPupil(self): has = not (self._pupil is None) return has # Code from template association_GetOne def getTa(self): return self._ta def hasTa(self): has = not (self._ta is None) return has # Code from template association_SetOptionalOneToOptionalOne def setPupil(self, aNewPupil): wasSet = False if aNewPupil is None : existingPupil = self._pupil self._pupil = None if not (existingPupil is None) and not (existingPupil.getTa() is None) : existingPupil.setTa(None) wasSet = True return wasSet currentPupil = self.getPupil() if not (currentPupil is None) and not currentPupil == aNewPupil : currentPupil.setTa(None) self._pupil = aNewPupil existingTa = aNewPupil.getTa() if not self == existingTa : aNewPupil.setTa(self) wasSet = True return wasSet # Code from template association_SetOptionalOneToOptionalOne def setTa(self, aNewTa): wasSet = False if aNewTa is None : existingTa = self._ta self._ta = None if not (existingTa is None) and not (existingTa.getPupil() is None) : existingTa.setPupil(None) wasSet = True return wasSet currentTa = self.getTa() if not (currentTa is None) and not currentTa == aNewTa : currentTa.setPupil(None) self._ta = aNewTa existingPupil = aNewTa.getPupil() if not self == existingPupil : aNewTa.setPupil(self) wasSet = True return wasSet def delete(self): if not (self._pupil is None) : self._pupil.setTa(None) if not (self._ta is None) : self._ta.setPupil(None) def __str__(self): return str(super().__str__()) + "[" + "number" + ":" + str(self.getNumber()) + "]" #PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 15 "../ReflexiveAssociationTest.ump" import os class OneSymmetric(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #OneSymmetric Attributes #OneSymmetric Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ @classmethod def alternateConstructor(cls, aName, aNumber, aFriend): self = cls.__new__(cls) self._friend = None self._number = None self._name = None self._name = aName self._number = aNumber if aFriend is None or not (aFriend.getFriend() is None) : raise RuntimeError ("Unable to create OneSymmetric due to aFriend. See http://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html") self._friend = aFriend return self def __init__(self, aName, aNumber, aNameForFriend, aNumberForFriend): self._friend = None self._number = None self._name = None self._name = aName self._number = aNumber self._friend = OneSymmetric.alternateConstructor(aNameForFriend, aNumberForFriend, self) #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ def setName(self, aName): wasSet = False self._name = aName wasSet = True return wasSet def setNumber(self, aNumber): wasSet = False self._number = aNumber wasSet = True return wasSet def getName(self): return self._name def getNumber(self): return self._number # Code from template association_GetOne def getFriend(self): return self._friend def delete(self): existingFriend = self._friend self._friend = None if not (existingFriend is None) : existingFriend.delete() def __str__(self): return str(super().__str__()) + "[" + "name" + ":" + str(self.getName()) + "," + "number" + ":" + str(self.getNumber()) + "]" + str(os.linesep) + " " + "friend = " + ((format(id(self.getFriend()), "x")) if not (self.getFriend() is None) else "null") #PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 22 "../ReflexiveAssociationTest.ump" class OneSymmetricNoParam(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #OneSymmetricNoParam Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ @classmethod def alternateConstructor(cls, aFriend): self = cls.__new__(cls) self._friend = None if aFriend is None or not (aFriend.getFriend() is None) : raise RuntimeError ("Unable to create OneSymmetricNoParam due to aFriend. See http://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html") self._friend = aFriend return self def __init__(self): self._friend = None self._friend = OneSymmetricNoParam.alternateConstructor(self) #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ # Code from template association_GetOne def getFriend(self): return self._friend def delete(self): existingFriend = self._friend self._friend = None if not (existingFriend is None) : existingFriend.delete() #PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 3 "../ReflexiveAssociationTest.ump" import os class Mentor(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #Mentor Attributes #Mentor Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self, aName): self._superMentor = None self._name = None self._name = aName #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ def setName(self, aName): wasSet = False self._name = aName wasSet = True return wasSet def getName(self): return self._name # Code from template association_GetOne def getSuperMentor(self): return self._superMentor def hasSuperMentor(self): has = not (self._superMentor is None) return has # Code from template association_SetOptionalOneToOptionalOne def setSuperMentor(self, aNewSuperMentor): wasSet = False if aNewSuperMentor is None : existingSuperMentor = self._superMentor self._superMentor = None if not (existingSuperMentor is None) and not (existingSuperMentor.getSuperMentor() is None) : existingSuperMentor.setSuperMentor(None) wasSet = True return wasSet currentSuperMentor = self.getSuperMentor() if not (currentSuperMentor is None) and not currentSuperMentor == aNewSuperMentor : currentSuperMentor.setSuperMentor(None) self._superMentor = aNewSuperMentor existingSuperMentor = aNewSuperMentor.getSuperMentor() if not self == existingSuperMentor : aNewSuperMentor.setSuperMentor(self) wasSet = True return wasSet def delete(self): if not (self._superMentor is None) : self._superMentor.setSuperMentor(None) def __str__(self): return str(super().__str__()) + "[" + "name" + ":" + str(self.getName()) + "]" + str(os.linesep) + " " + "superMentor = " + ((format(id(self.getSuperMentor()), "x")) if not (self.getSuperMentor() is None) else "null")