#PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 3 "../OptionalOneToOptionalOneTest.ump" class Mentor(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #Mentor Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self): self._student = None #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ # Code from template association_GetOne def getStudent(self): return self._student def hasStudent(self): has = not (self._student is None) return has # Code from template association_SetOptionalOneToOptionalOne def setStudent(self, aNewStudent): wasSet = False if aNewStudent is None : existingStudent = self._student self._student = None if not (existingStudent is None) and not (existingStudent.getMentor() is None) : existingStudent.setMentor(None) wasSet = True return wasSet currentStudent = self.getStudent() if not (currentStudent is None) and not currentStudent == aNewStudent : currentStudent.setMentor(None) self._student = aNewStudent existingMentor = aNewStudent.getMentor() if not self == existingMentor : aNewStudent.setMentor(self) wasSet = True return wasSet def delete(self): if not (self._student is None) : self._student.setMentor(None) #PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 8 "../OptionalOneToOptionalOneTest.ump" class Student(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #Student Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self): self._mentor = None #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ # Code from template association_GetOne def getMentor(self): return self._mentor def hasMentor(self): has = not (self._mentor is None) return has # Code from template association_SetOptionalOneToOptionalOne def setMentor(self, aNewMentor): wasSet = False if aNewMentor is None : existingMentor = self._mentor self._mentor = None if not (existingMentor is None) and not (existingMentor.getStudent() is None) : existingMentor.setStudent(None) wasSet = True return wasSet currentMentor = self.getMentor() if not (currentMentor is None) and not currentMentor == aNewMentor : currentMentor.setStudent(None) self._mentor = aNewMentor existingStudent = aNewMentor.getStudent() if not self == existingStudent : aNewMentor.setStudent(self) wasSet = True return wasSet def delete(self): if not (self._mentor is None) : self._mentor.setStudent(None)