#PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 3 "../OneToMNTest.ump" class Mentor(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #Mentor Attributes #Mentor Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self, aName): self._pupils = None self._name = None self._name = aName self._pupils = [] #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ def setName(self, aName): wasSet = False self._name = aName wasSet = True return wasSet def getName(self): return self._name # Code from template association_GetMany def getPupil(self, index): aPupil = self._pupils[index] return aPupil def getPupils(self): newPupils = tuple(self._pupils) return newPupils def numberOfPupils(self): number = len(self._pupils) return number def hasPupils(self): has = len(self._pupils) > 0 return has def indexOfPupil(self, aPupil): index = (-1 if not aPupil in self._pupils else self._pupils.index(aPupil)) return index # Code from template association_IsNumberOfValidMethod def isNumberOfPupilsValid(self): isValid = self.numberOfPupils() >= Mentor.minimumNumberOfPupils() and self.numberOfPupils() <= Mentor.maximumNumberOfPupils() return isValid # Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod @staticmethod def minimumNumberOfPupils(): return 5 # Code from template association_MaximumNumberOfMethod @staticmethod def maximumNumberOfPupils(): return 7 # Code from template association_AddMNToOnlyOne def addPupil1(self, aNumber): from Pupil import Pupil if self.numberOfPupils() >= Mentor.maximumNumberOfPupils() : return None else : return Pupil(aNumber, self) def addPupil2(self, aPupil): wasAdded = False if (aPupil) in self._pupils : return False if self.numberOfPupils() >= Mentor.maximumNumberOfPupils() : return wasAdded existingMentor = aPupil.getMentor() isNewMentor = not (existingMentor is None) and not self == existingMentor if isNewMentor and existingMentor.numberOfPupils() <= Mentor.minimumNumberOfPupils() : return wasAdded if isNewMentor : aPupil.setMentor(self) else : self._pupils.append(aPupil) wasAdded = True return wasAdded def removePupil(self, aPupil): wasRemoved = False #Unable to remove aPupil, as it must always have a mentor if self == aPupil.getMentor() : return wasRemoved #mentor already at minimum (5) if self.numberOfPupils() <= Mentor.minimumNumberOfPupils() : return wasRemoved self._pupils.remove(aPupil) wasRemoved = True return wasRemoved # Code from template association_AddIndexControlFunctions def addPupilAt(self, aPupil, index): wasAdded = False if self.addPupil(aPupil) : if index < 0 : index = 0 if index > self.numberOfPupils() : index = self.numberOfPupils() - 1 self._pupils.remove(aPupil) self._pupils.insert(index, aPupil) wasAdded = True return wasAdded def addOrMovePupilAt(self, aPupil, index): wasAdded = False if (aPupil) in self._pupils : if index < 0 : index = 0 if index > self.numberOfPupils() : index = self.numberOfPupils() - 1 self._pupils.remove(aPupil) self._pupils.insert(index, aPupil) wasAdded = True else : wasAdded = self.addPupilAt(aPupil, index) return wasAdded def delete(self): i = len(self._pupils) while i > 0 : aPupil = self._pupils[i - 1] aPupil.delete() i -= 1 def __str__(self): return str(super().__str__()) + "[" + "name" + ":" + str(self.getName()) + "]" def addPupil(self, *argv): from Pupil import Pupil if len(argv) == 1 and isinstance(argv[0], str) : return self.addPupil1(argv[0]) if len(argv) == 1 and isinstance(argv[0], Pupil) : return self.addPupil2(argv[0]) raise TypeError("No method matches provided parameters") #PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE #This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language! # line 9 "../OneToMNTest.ump" import os class Pupil(): #------------------------ # MEMBER VARIABLES #------------------------ #Pupil Attributes #Pupil Associations #------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR #------------------------ def __init__(self, aNumber, aMentor): self._mentor = None self._number = None self._number = aNumber didAddMentor = self.setMentor(aMentor) if not didAddMentor : raise RuntimeError ("Unable to create pupil due to mentor. See http://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html") #------------------------ # INTERFACE #------------------------ def setNumber(self, aNumber): wasSet = False self._number = aNumber wasSet = True return wasSet def getNumber(self): return self._number # Code from template association_GetOne def getMentor(self): return self._mentor # Code from template association_SetOneToAtMostN def setMentor(self, aMentor): from Mentor import Mentor wasSet = False #Must provide mentor to pupil if aMentor is None : return wasSet #mentor already at maximum (7) if aMentor.numberOfPupils() >= Mentor.maximumNumberOfPupils() : return wasSet existingMentor = self._mentor self._mentor = aMentor if not (existingMentor is None) and not existingMentor == aMentor : didRemove = existingMentor.removePupil(self) if not didRemove : self._mentor = existingMentor return wasSet self._mentor.addPupil(self) wasSet = True return wasSet def delete(self): placeholderMentor = self._mentor self._mentor = None if not (placeholderMentor is None) : placeholderMentor.removePupil(self) def __str__(self): return str(super().__str__()) + "[" + "number" + ":" + str(self.getNumber()) + "]" + str(os.linesep) + " " + "mentor = " + ((format(id(self.getMentor()), "x")) if not (self.getMentor() is None) else "null")