<?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ abstract class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Object { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function example_obj(Object $g) { /*implementation*/ } public function example_bool($b) { } public function example_int($i) { } public function example_float($f) { } public function example_double($d) { } public function example_string($s) { } public function example_obj_array($gs) { } public function example_primitive_array($is) { } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Student Attributes private $number; private $number2; //Helper Variables private $canSetNumber2; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aNumber) { $this->number = $aNumber; $this->canSetNumber2 = true; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setNumber2($aNumber2) { $wasSet = false; if (!$this->canSetNumber2) { return false; } $this->canSetNumber2 = false; $this->number2 = $aNumber2; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getNumber() { return $this->number; } public function getNumber2() { return $this->number2; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Mentor Attributes private $capacity; private $id; private $name; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aCapacity, $aId, $aName) { $this->capacity = $aCapacity; $this->id = $aId; $this->name = $aName; } public function __construct() { $this->capacity = "31"; $this->name = "Umple"; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setCapacity($aCapacity) { $wasSet = false; $this->capacity = $aCapacity; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setId($aId) { $wasSet = false; $this->id = $aId; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setName($aName) { $wasSet = false; $this->name = $aName; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getCapacity() { return $this->capacity; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Router implements NetworkNode { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Router Attributes private $ipAddress; //Router State Machines private static $StatusDisconnected = 1; private static $StatusConnected = 2; private $status; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aIpAddress) { $this->ipAddress = $aIpAddress; $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function getStatusFullName() { $answer = $this->getStatus(); return $answer; } public function getStatus() { if ($this->status == self::$StatusDisconnected) { return "StatusDisconnected"; } elseif ($this->status == self::$StatusConnected) { return "StatusConnected"; } return null; } public function createConnection() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusDisconnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusConnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } public function disconnectRequest() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusConnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } private function setStatus($aStatus) { $this->status = $aStatus; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function connect() { return ""; } public function disconnect() { return ""; } public function errorDetected() { return ""; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Router implements NetworkNode { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Router Attributes private $ipAddress; //Router State Machines private static $StatusDisconnected = 1; private static $StatusConnected = 2; private $status; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aIpAddress) { $this->ipAddress = $aIpAddress; $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function getStatusFullName() { $answer = $this->getStatus(); return $answer; } public function getStatus() { if ($this->status == self::$StatusDisconnected) { return "StatusDisconnected"; } elseif ($this->status == self::$StatusConnected) { return "StatusConnected"; } return null; } public function connect() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusDisconnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusConnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } public function disconnect() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusConnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } public function errorDetected() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusConnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } private function setStatus($aStatus) { $this->status = $aStatus; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Router implements NetworkNode { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Router Attributes private $ipAddress; //Router State Machines private static $StatusDisconnected = 1; private static $StatusConnected = 2; private $status; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aIpAddress) { $this->ipAddress = $aIpAddress; $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function getStatusFullName() { $answer = $this->getStatus(); return $answer; } public function getStatus() { if ($this->status == self::$StatusDisconnected) { return "StatusDisconnected"; } elseif ($this->status == self::$StatusConnected) { return "StatusConnected"; } return null; } public function connect() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusDisconnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusConnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } public function disconnect() { $wasEventProcessed = false; $aStatus = $this->status; if ($aStatus == self::$StatusConnected) { $this->setStatus(self::$StatusDisconnected); $wasEventProcessed = true; } return $wasEventProcessed; } private function setStatus($aStatus) { $this->status = $aStatus; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function errorDetected() { return ""; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function showMe() { } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function foo(int $a) { // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersUnspecified.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo..."); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a < 0) { // line 18 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersUnspecified.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo, a: " + a); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } // line 18 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersUnspecified.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo, a: " + a); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 3; } public function foo(int $a, $b) { // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersUnspecified.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo..."); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a > 0 && "".equals(b)) { // line 18 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersUnspecified.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo, a: " + a); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 3; } // line 18 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersUnspecified.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo, a: " + a); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 1; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Mentor { //------------------------ // STATIC VARIABLES //------------------------ public static $MAX = 100; public static $MIN = -99; public static $HELLO = "Hello"; private static $nextX = 1; private static $mentorsById = array(); //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Mentor Attributes private $str; private $str2; private $someName; private $lDoub; private $lBool; private $name; private $d; private $t; private $i; private $id; private $p; private $q; private $r; private $s; private $tt; private $u; private $v; private $w; //Autounique Attributes private $x; //Helper Variables private $canSetStr2; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aStr, $aD, $aI, $aId) { $this->str = $aStr; $this->canSetStr2 = true; $this->someName = NULL; $this->lDoub = 0; $this->lBool = false; $this->name = "Johannes"; $this->d = $aD; $this->t = new Time(); $this->i = $aI; $this->resetP(); $this->q = "chicken"; $this->resetR(); $this->s = "123"; $this->tt = date("y-m-d", strtotime("1978-12-25")); $this->u = date("h:i:s", strtotime("12:13:14")); $this->resetV(); $this->resetW(); $this->x = self::$nextX++; if (!$this->setId($aId)) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create due to duplicate id. See http://manual.umple.org?RE003ViolationofUniqueness.html"); } } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setStr2($aStr2) { $wasSet = false; if (!$this->canSetStr2) { return false; } $this->canSetStr2 = false; $this->str2 = $aStr2; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setSomeName($aSomeName) { $wasSet = false; $this->someName = $aSomeName; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setLDoub($aLDoub) { $wasSet = false; $this->lDoub = $aLDoub; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setLBool($aLBool) { $wasSet = false; $this->lBool = $aLBool; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setName($aName) { $wasSet = false; $this->name = $aName; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setD($aD) { $wasSet = false; $this->d = $aD; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setI($aI) { $wasSet = false; $this->i = $aI; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setId($aId) { $wasSet = false; if (isset($this->id)) { $anOldId = $this->getId(); } if (isset($anOldId) && $anOldId === $aId) { return true; } if (Mentor::hasWithId($aId)) { return $wasSet; } $this->id = $aId; $wasSet = true; if (isset($anOldId)) { unset(Mentor::$mentorsById[(string)$anOldId]); } Mentor::$mentorsById[(string)$aId] = $this; return $wasSet; } public function setP($aP) { $wasSet = false; $this->p = $aP; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function resetP() { $wasReset = false; $this->p = $this->getDefaultP(); $wasReset = true; return $wasReset; } public function setQ($aQ) { $wasSet = false; $this->q = $aQ; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setR($aR) { $wasSet = false; $this->r = $aR; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function resetR() { $wasReset = false; $this->r = $this->getDefaultR(); $wasReset = true; return $wasReset; } public function setTt($aTt) { $wasSet = false; $this->tt = $aTt; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setU($aU) { $wasSet = false; $this->u = $aU; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setV($aV) { $wasSet = false; $this->v = $aV; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function resetV() { $wasReset = false; $this->v = $this->getDefaultV(); $wasReset = true; return $wasReset; } public function setW($aW) { $wasSet = false; $this->w = $aW; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function resetW() { $wasReset = false; $this->w = $this->getDefaultW(); $wasReset = true; return $wasReset; } public function getStr() { return $this->str; } public function getStr2() { return $this->str2; } public function getSomeName() { return $this->someName; } public function getLDoub() { return $this->lDoub; } public function getLBool() { return $this->lBool; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getD() { return $this->d; } public function getI() { return $this->i; } public function getDerivedTwiceI() { return i*2; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public static function getWithId($aId) { return Mentor::$mentorsById[(string)$aId]; } public static function hasWithId($aId) { return array_key_exists((string)$aId, Mentor::$mentorsById); } public function getP() { return $this->p; } public function getDefaultP() { return "robot"; } public function getQ() { return $this->q; } public function getR() { return $this->r; } public function getDefaultR() { return ""; } public function getS() { return $this->s; } public function getTt() { return $this->tt; } public function getU() { return $this->u; } public function getV() { return $this->v; } public function getDefaultV() { return date("y-m-d", strtotime("1978-12-26")); } public function getW() { return $this->w; } public function getDefaultW() { return date("h:i:s", strtotime("12:59:59")); } public function getX() { return $this->x; } public function isLBool() { return $this->lBool; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() { unset(Mentor::$mentorsById[(string)$this->getId()]); } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Attributes private $someStrings; private $numbers; private $objects; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() { $this->someStrings = array("a","b","c"); $this->numbers = array(1,2,3,10); $this->objects = array(new Token("first"),new Token("second")); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function addSomeString($aSomeString) { $wasAdded = false; $this->someStrings[] = $aSomeString; $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeSomeString($aSomeString) { $wasRemoved = false; unset($this->someStrings[$this->indexOfSomeString($aSomeString)]); $this->someStrings = array_values($this->someStrings); $wasRemoved = true; return $wasRemoved; } public function addNumber($aNumber) { $wasAdded = false; $this->numbers[] = $aNumber; $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeNumber($aNumber) { $wasRemoved = false; unset($this->numbers[$this->indexOfNumber($aNumber)]); $this->numbers = array_values($this->numbers); $wasRemoved = true; return $wasRemoved; } public function addObject($aObject) { $wasAdded = false; $this->objects[] = $aObject; $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeObject($aObject) { $wasRemoved = false; unset($this->objects[$this->indexOfObject($aObject)]); $this->objects = array_values($this->objects); $wasRemoved = true; return $wasRemoved; } public function getSomeString($index) { $aSomeString = $this->someStrings[$index]; return $aSomeString; } public function getSomeStrings() { $newSomeStrings = $this->someStrings; return $newSomeStrings; } public function numberOfSomeStrings() { $number = count($this->someStrings); return $number; } public function hasSomeStrings() { $has = someStrings.size() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfSomeString($aSomeString) { $rawAnswer = array_search($aSomeString,$this->someStrings); $index = $rawAnswer == null && $rawAnswer !== 0 ? -1 : $rawAnswer; return $index; } public function getNumber($index) { $aNumber = $this->numbers[$index]; return $aNumber; } public function getNumbers() { $newNumbers = $this->numbers; return $newNumbers; } public function numberOfNumbers() { $number = count($this->numbers); return $number; } public function hasNumbers() { $has = numbers.size() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfNumber($aNumber) { $rawAnswer = array_search($aNumber,$this->numbers); $index = $rawAnswer == null && $rawAnswer !== 0 ? -1 : $rawAnswer; return $index; } public function getObject($index) { $aObject = $this->objects[$index]; return $aObject; } public function getObjects() { $newObjects = $this->objects; return $newObjects; } public function numberOfObjects() { $number = count($this->objects); return $number; } public function hasObjects() { $has = objects.size() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfObject($aObject) { $rawAnswer = array_search($aObject,$this->objects); $index = $rawAnswer == null && $rawAnswer !== 0 ? -1 : $rawAnswer; return $index; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ // This is a student class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Associations /** * I am a multiline comment above an association. */ private $bars; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() { $this->bars = array(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function getBar_index($index) { $aBar = $this->bars[$index]; return $aBar; } public function getBars() { $newBars = $this->bars; return $newBars; } public function numberOfBars() { $number = count($this->bars); return $number; } public function hasBars() { $has = $this->numberOfBars() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfBar($aBar) { $wasFound = false; $index = 0; foreach($this->bars as $bar) { if ($bar->equals($aBar)) { $wasFound = true; break; } $index += 1; } $index = $wasFound ? $index : -1; return $index; } public static function minimumNumberOfBars() { return 0; } public function addBarVia() { return new Bar($this); } public function addBar($aBar) { $wasAdded = false; if ($this->indexOfBar($aBar) !== -1) { return false; } $existingFoo = $aBar->getFoo(); $isNewFoo = $existingFoo != null && $this !== $existingFoo; if ($isNewFoo) { $aBar->setFoo($this); } else { $this->bars[] = $aBar; } $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeBar($aBar) { $wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aBar, as it must always have a foo if ($this !== $aBar->getFoo()) { unset($this->bars[$this->indexOfBar($aBar)]); $this->bars = array_values($this->bars); $wasRemoved = true; } return $wasRemoved; } public function addBarAt($aBar, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->addBar($aBar)) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBars()) { $index = $this->numberOfBars() - 1; } array_splice($this->bars, $this->indexOfBar($aBar), 1); array_splice($this->bars, $index, 0, array($aBar)); $wasAdded = true; } return $wasAdded; } public function addOrMoveBarAt($aBar, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->indexOfBar($aBar) !== -1) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBars()) { $index = $this->numberOfBars() - 1; } array_splice($this->bars, $this->indexOfBar($aBar), 1); array_splice($this->bars, $index, 0, array($aBar)); $wasAdded = true; } else { $wasAdded = $this->addBarAt($aBar, $index); } return $wasAdded; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() { foreach ($this->bars as $aBar) { $aBar->delete(); } } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Student Attributes private $grade; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() { $this->grade = ""; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setGrade($aGrade) { $wasSet = false; $this->grade = $aGrade; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getGrade() { return $this->grade; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Token { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Token Attributes private $p; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aP) { $this->p = $aP; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setP($aP) { $wasSet = false; $this->p = $aP; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getP() { return $this->p; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ // This is a student // Multiple comments // on several lines class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ /* * I am a class comment. * * Notice how there are 4 empty lines below me. * * * * * And 2 below me. * * * These lines should come out as we see here. * Comments such as these are often used to improve readability through whitespace clarity. */ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Attributes /** * I am a multiline comment above an attribute. */ private $name; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aName) { $this->name = $aName; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setName($aName) { $wasSet = false; $this->name = $aName; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Token { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Attributes /** * Inline comment above attribute. */ private $testAttribute1; /** * Multiple inline comments * above attribute. */ private $testAttribute2; /** * Multiline comment above attribute. */ private $testAttribute3; /** * Multiple multiline comments * above attribute. */ private $testAttribute4; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aTestAttribute1, $aTestAttribute2, $aTestAttribute3, $aTestAttribute4) { $this->testAttribute1 = $aTestAttribute1; $this->testAttribute2 = $aTestAttribute2; $this->testAttribute3 = $aTestAttribute3; $this->testAttribute4 = $aTestAttribute4; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setTestAttribute1($aTestAttribute1) { $wasSet = false; $this->testAttribute1 = $aTestAttribute1; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setTestAttribute2($aTestAttribute2) { $wasSet = false; $this->testAttribute2 = $aTestAttribute2; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setTestAttribute3($aTestAttribute3) { $wasSet = false; $this->testAttribute3 = $aTestAttribute3; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function setTestAttribute4($aTestAttribute4) { $wasSet = false; $this->testAttribute4 = $aTestAttribute4; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getTestAttribute1() { return $this->testAttribute1; } public function getTestAttribute2() { return $this->testAttribute2; } public function getTestAttribute3() { return $this->testAttribute3; } public function getTestAttribute4() { return $this->testAttribute4; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function foo(int $a) { // line 25 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsComments.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo with argument: " + a); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a < 0) { /* { */ // line 29 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsComments.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 0; } else if(a == 1) { // foo() // line 29 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsComments.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return -1; } else { // { // line 29 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsComments.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } for(int i = 0; i < a; i++) { // TODO: call foo() if(i == a/4) { // line 29 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsComments.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return a; } } // line 29 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsComments.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class SubMentor extends Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aName) { parent::__construct($aName); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() { parent::delete(); } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class SubMentor2 extends Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //SubMentor2 Attributes private $subName; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aName, $aSubName) { parent::__construct($aName); $this->subName = $aSubName; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setSubName($aSubName) { $wasSet = false; $this->subName = $aSubName; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getSubName() { return $this->subName; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() { parent::delete(); } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Token { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Token Attributes private $positions; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() { $this->positions = array(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function addPosition($aPosition) { $wasAdded = false; $this->positions[] = $aPosition; $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removePosition($aPosition) { $wasRemoved = false; unset($this->positions[$this->indexOfPosition($aPosition)]); $this->positions = array_values($this->positions); $wasRemoved = true; return $wasRemoved; } public function getPosition($index) { $aPosition = $this->positions[$index]; return $aPosition; } public function getPositions() { $newPositions = $this->positions; return $newPositions; } public function numberOfPositions() { $number = count($this->positions); return $number; } public function hasPositions() { $has = positions.size() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfPosition($aPosition) { $rawAnswer = array_search($aPosition,$this->positions); $index = $rawAnswer == null && $rawAnswer !== 0 ? -1 : $rawAnswer; return $index; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function foo(int $a) { // line 17 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsBasic.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo with argument: " + a); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a < 0) { // line 21 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsBasic.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 0; } for(int i = 0; i < a; i++) { if(i == a/4) { // line 21 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsBasic.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return a; } } // line 21 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsBasic.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function foo(int $a) { // line 26 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo..."); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION // line 38 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" System.out.println("Starting execution..."); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a < 0) { return 4; } return 3; } public function foo(int $a, $b) { // line 26 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo..."); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a > 0 && "".equals(b)) { // line 30 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo, a: " + a ", b: " + b); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 3; } // line 30 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo, a: " + a ", b: " + b); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 1; } public function bar() { // line 34 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" // TODO: fix asap // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION // line 38 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsParametersMulti.ump" System.out.println("Starting execution..."); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION int a = 4; if(a == 3) return 2; return 1; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function foo(int $a) { // line 18 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsNoBraces.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo with argument: " + a); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a < 0) { // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsNoBraces.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 0; } else if(a == 1) { // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsNoBraces.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return -1; } else { // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsNoBraces.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } for(int i = 0; i < a; i++) if(i == a/4) { // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsNoBraces.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return a; } // line 22 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsNoBraces.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} /** * I am a method comment. * * Notice how there are 4 empty lines below me. * * * * * And 2 below me. * * * These lines should come out as we see here. * Comments such as these are often used to improve readability through whitespace clarity. */ public function testMethod() { // I am a test method. } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} public function foo(int $a) { // line 16 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsSingleLine.ump" System.out.println("Starting foo with argument: " + a); // END OF UMPLE BEFORE INJECTION if(a < 0) { // line 20 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsSingleLine.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 0; } else if(a == 1) { // line 20 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsSingleLine.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return -1; } else { // line 20 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsSingleLine.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } for(int i = 0; i < a; i++) { // TODO: call foo() if(i == a/4) { // line 20 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsSingleLine.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return a; } } // line 20 "ClassTemplateTest_CodeInjectionsSingleLine.ump" System.out.println("Returning from foo!"); // END OF UMPLE AFTER INJECTION return 4; } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ /* This is a student Multiple comments on several lines */ class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Associations /** * I am a inline comment above an association. */ private $bars; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() { $this->bars = array(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function getBar_index($index) { $aBar = $this->bars[$index]; return $aBar; } public function getBars() { $newBars = $this->bars; return $newBars; } public function numberOfBars() { $number = count($this->bars); return $number; } public function hasBars() { $has = $this->numberOfBars() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfBar($aBar) { $wasFound = false; $index = 0; foreach($this->bars as $bar) { if ($bar->equals($aBar)) { $wasFound = true; break; } $index += 1; } $index = $wasFound ? $index : -1; return $index; } public static function minimumNumberOfBars() { return 0; } public function addBarVia() { return new Bar($this); } public function addBar($aBar) { $wasAdded = false; if ($this->indexOfBar($aBar) !== -1) { return false; } $existingFoo = $aBar->getFoo(); $isNewFoo = $existingFoo != null && $this !== $existingFoo; if ($isNewFoo) { $aBar->setFoo($this); } else { $this->bars[] = $aBar; } $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeBar($aBar) { $wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aBar, as it must always have a foo if ($this !== $aBar->getFoo()) { unset($this->bars[$this->indexOfBar($aBar)]); $this->bars = array_values($this->bars); $wasRemoved = true; } return $wasRemoved; } public function addBarAt($aBar, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->addBar($aBar)) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBars()) { $index = $this->numberOfBars() - 1; } array_splice($this->bars, $this->indexOfBar($aBar), 1); array_splice($this->bars, $index, 0, array($aBar)); $wasAdded = true; } return $wasAdded; } public function addOrMoveBarAt($aBar, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->indexOfBar($aBar) !== -1) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBars()) { $index = $this->numberOfBars() - 1; } array_splice($this->bars, $this->indexOfBar($aBar), 1); array_splice($this->bars, $index, 0, array($aBar)); $wasAdded = true; } else { $wasAdded = $this->addBarAt($aBar, $index); } return $wasAdded; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() { foreach ($this->bars as $aBar) { $aBar->delete(); } } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ // This is a student class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} /** * Inline comment above method. */ public function testMethod1() { // I am a comment inside a method. } /** * Multiple inline comments * above method. */ public function testMethod2() { // I am a comment inside a method. } /** * Multiline comment above method. */ public function testMethod3() { // I am a comment inside a method. } /** * Multiple multiline comments * above method. */ public function testMethod4() { // I am a comment inside a method. } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Associations /** * Inline comment above association. */ private $bar1s; /** * Multiple inline comments * above association. */ private $bar2s; /** * Multiline comment above association. */ private $bar3s; /** * Multiple multiline comments * above association. */ private $bar4s; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() { $this->bar1s = array(); $this->bar2s = array(); $this->bar3s = array(); $this->bar4s = array(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function getBar1_index($index) { $aBar1 = $this->bar1s[$index]; return $aBar1; } public function getBar1s() { $newBar1s = $this->bar1s; return $newBar1s; } public function numberOfBar1s() { $number = count($this->bar1s); return $number; } public function hasBar1s() { $has = $this->numberOfBar1s() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfBar1($aBar1) { $wasFound = false; $index = 0; foreach($this->bar1s as $bar1) { if ($bar1->equals($aBar1)) { $wasFound = true; break; } $index += 1; } $index = $wasFound ? $index : -1; return $index; } public function getBar2_index($index) { $aBar2 = $this->bar2s[$index]; return $aBar2; } public function getBar2s() { $newBar2s = $this->bar2s; return $newBar2s; } public function numberOfBar2s() { $number = count($this->bar2s); return $number; } public function hasBar2s() { $has = $this->numberOfBar2s() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfBar2($aBar2) { $wasFound = false; $index = 0; foreach($this->bar2s as $bar2) { if ($bar2->equals($aBar2)) { $wasFound = true; break; } $index += 1; } $index = $wasFound ? $index : -1; return $index; } public function getBar3_index($index) { $aBar3 = $this->bar3s[$index]; return $aBar3; } public function getBar3s() { $newBar3s = $this->bar3s; return $newBar3s; } public function numberOfBar3s() { $number = count($this->bar3s); return $number; } public function hasBar3s() { $has = $this->numberOfBar3s() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfBar3($aBar3) { $wasFound = false; $index = 0; foreach($this->bar3s as $bar3) { if ($bar3->equals($aBar3)) { $wasFound = true; break; } $index += 1; } $index = $wasFound ? $index : -1; return $index; } public function getBar4_index($index) { $aBar4 = $this->bar4s[$index]; return $aBar4; } public function getBar4s() { $newBar4s = $this->bar4s; return $newBar4s; } public function numberOfBar4s() { $number = count($this->bar4s); return $number; } public function hasBar4s() { $has = $this->numberOfBar4s() > 0; return $has; } public function indexOfBar4($aBar4) { $wasFound = false; $index = 0; foreach($this->bar4s as $bar4) { if ($bar4->equals($aBar4)) { $wasFound = true; break; } $index += 1; } $index = $wasFound ? $index : -1; return $index; } public static function minimumNumberOfBar1s() { return 0; } public function addBar1Via() { return new Bar1($this); } public function addBar1($aBar1) { $wasAdded = false; if ($this->indexOfBar1($aBar1) !== -1) { return false; } $existingFoo = $aBar1->getFoo(); $isNewFoo = $existingFoo != null && $this !== $existingFoo; if ($isNewFoo) { $aBar1->setFoo($this); } else { $this->bar1s[] = $aBar1; } $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeBar1($aBar1) { $wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aBar1, as it must always have a foo if ($this !== $aBar1->getFoo()) { unset($this->bar1s[$this->indexOfBar1($aBar1)]); $this->bar1s = array_values($this->bar1s); $wasRemoved = true; } return $wasRemoved; } public function addBar1At($aBar1, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->addBar1($aBar1)) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar1s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar1s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar1s, $this->indexOfBar1($aBar1), 1); array_splice($this->bar1s, $index, 0, array($aBar1)); $wasAdded = true; } return $wasAdded; } public function addOrMoveBar1At($aBar1, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->indexOfBar1($aBar1) !== -1) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar1s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar1s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar1s, $this->indexOfBar1($aBar1), 1); array_splice($this->bar1s, $index, 0, array($aBar1)); $wasAdded = true; } else { $wasAdded = $this->addBar1At($aBar1, $index); } return $wasAdded; } public static function minimumNumberOfBar2s() { return 0; } public function addBar2Via() { return new Bar2($this); } public function addBar2($aBar2) { $wasAdded = false; if ($this->indexOfBar2($aBar2) !== -1) { return false; } $existingFoo = $aBar2->getFoo(); $isNewFoo = $existingFoo != null && $this !== $existingFoo; if ($isNewFoo) { $aBar2->setFoo($this); } else { $this->bar2s[] = $aBar2; } $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeBar2($aBar2) { $wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aBar2, as it must always have a foo if ($this !== $aBar2->getFoo()) { unset($this->bar2s[$this->indexOfBar2($aBar2)]); $this->bar2s = array_values($this->bar2s); $wasRemoved = true; } return $wasRemoved; } public function addBar2At($aBar2, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->addBar2($aBar2)) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar2s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar2s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar2s, $this->indexOfBar2($aBar2), 1); array_splice($this->bar2s, $index, 0, array($aBar2)); $wasAdded = true; } return $wasAdded; } public function addOrMoveBar2At($aBar2, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->indexOfBar2($aBar2) !== -1) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar2s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar2s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar2s, $this->indexOfBar2($aBar2), 1); array_splice($this->bar2s, $index, 0, array($aBar2)); $wasAdded = true; } else { $wasAdded = $this->addBar2At($aBar2, $index); } return $wasAdded; } public static function minimumNumberOfBar3s() { return 0; } public function addBar3Via() { return new Bar3($this); } public function addBar3($aBar3) { $wasAdded = false; if ($this->indexOfBar3($aBar3) !== -1) { return false; } $existingFoo = $aBar3->getFoo(); $isNewFoo = $existingFoo != null && $this !== $existingFoo; if ($isNewFoo) { $aBar3->setFoo($this); } else { $this->bar3s[] = $aBar3; } $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeBar3($aBar3) { $wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aBar3, as it must always have a foo if ($this !== $aBar3->getFoo()) { unset($this->bar3s[$this->indexOfBar3($aBar3)]); $this->bar3s = array_values($this->bar3s); $wasRemoved = true; } return $wasRemoved; } public function addBar3At($aBar3, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->addBar3($aBar3)) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar3s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar3s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar3s, $this->indexOfBar3($aBar3), 1); array_splice($this->bar3s, $index, 0, array($aBar3)); $wasAdded = true; } return $wasAdded; } public function addOrMoveBar3At($aBar3, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->indexOfBar3($aBar3) !== -1) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar3s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar3s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar3s, $this->indexOfBar3($aBar3), 1); array_splice($this->bar3s, $index, 0, array($aBar3)); $wasAdded = true; } else { $wasAdded = $this->addBar3At($aBar3, $index); } return $wasAdded; } public static function minimumNumberOfBar4s() { return 0; } public function addBar4Via() { return new Bar4($this); } public function addBar4($aBar4) { $wasAdded = false; if ($this->indexOfBar4($aBar4) !== -1) { return false; } $existingFoo = $aBar4->getFoo(); $isNewFoo = $existingFoo != null && $this !== $existingFoo; if ($isNewFoo) { $aBar4->setFoo($this); } else { $this->bar4s[] = $aBar4; } $wasAdded = true; return $wasAdded; } public function removeBar4($aBar4) { $wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aBar4, as it must always have a foo if ($this !== $aBar4->getFoo()) { unset($this->bar4s[$this->indexOfBar4($aBar4)]); $this->bar4s = array_values($this->bar4s); $wasRemoved = true; } return $wasRemoved; } public function addBar4At($aBar4, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->addBar4($aBar4)) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar4s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar4s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar4s, $this->indexOfBar4($aBar4), 1); array_splice($this->bar4s, $index, 0, array($aBar4)); $wasAdded = true; } return $wasAdded; } public function addOrMoveBar4At($aBar4, $index) { $wasAdded = false; if($this->indexOfBar4($aBar4) !== -1) { if($index < 0 ) { $index = 0; } if($index > $this->numberOfBar4s()) { $index = $this->numberOfBar4s() - 1; } array_splice($this->bar4s, $this->indexOfBar4($aBar4), 1); array_splice($this->bar4s, $index, 0, array($aBar4)); $wasAdded = true; } else { $wasAdded = $this->addBar4At($aBar4, $index); } return $wasAdded; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() { foreach ($this->bar1s as $aBar1) { $aBar1->delete(); } foreach ($this->bar2s as $aBar2) { $aBar2->delete(); } foreach ($this->bar3s as $aBar3) { $aBar3->delete(); } foreach ($this->bar4s as $aBar4) { $aBar4->delete(); } } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} /** * I am a comment above a method. */ public function testMethod() { // I am a comment inside a method. } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} /** * I am a comment above a method. */ public function testMethod() { // I am a comment inside a method. } } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Foo { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Foo Attributes /** * I am a inline comment above an attribute. */ private $bar; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct($aBar) { $this->bar = $aBar; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function setBar($aBar) { $wasSet = false; $this->bar = $aBar; $wasSet = true; return $wasSet; } public function getBar() { return $this->bar; } public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?> <?php /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ class Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public function __construct() {} //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public function equals($compareTo) { return $this == $compareTo; } public function delete() {} } ?>