// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ActLess5Transition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1 / doTransition();", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1
Transition Action:
     doTransition();", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "IncreaseStateSep" {
  compound = true;
nodesep =2.0;ranksep =2.0;
  // Class: GarageDoor

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: status
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_GarageDoor_status [ tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: Open

      GarageDoor_status_Open [label = Open, tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Open", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Open\")"];
      // End State: Open

      // State: Closing

      GarageDoor_status_Closing [label = Closing, tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Closing", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Closing\")"];
      // End State: Closing

      // State: Closed

      GarageDoor_status_Closed [label = Closed, tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Closed", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Closed\")"];
      // End State: Closed

      // State: Opening

      GarageDoor_status_Opening [label = Opening, tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Opening", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Opening\")"];
      // End State: Opening

      // State: HalfOpen

      GarageDoor_status_HalfOpen [label = HalfOpen, tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State HalfOpen", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^HalfOpen\")"];
      // End State: HalfOpen
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: status

  // All transitions
    start_GarageDoor_status -> GarageDoor_status_Open [  tooltip = "start to Open", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    GarageDoor_status_Opening -> GarageDoor_status_Open [  label = "reachTop", tooltip = "From Opening to Open on reachTop", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*reachTop*^*Opening*^*Open*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Open -> GarageDoor_status_Closing [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Open to Closing on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Open*^*Closing*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Closing -> GarageDoor_status_Closed [  label = "reachBottom", tooltip = "From Closing to Closed on reachBottom", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*reachBottom*^*Closing*^*Closed*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Closing -> GarageDoor_status_Opening [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Closing to Opening on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Closing*^*Opening*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Closed -> GarageDoor_status_Opening [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Closed to Opening on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Closed*^*Opening*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_HalfOpen -> GarageDoor_status_Opening [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From HalfOpen to Opening on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*HalfOpen*^*Opening*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Opening -> GarageDoor_status_HalfOpen [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Opening to HalfOpen on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Opening*^*HalfOpen*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "Act5Transition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1 / {...}", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1
Transition Action:
     doTransition5();", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "GuardTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1 [guard()]", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1
Guard:  [guard()]", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^* [guard()]\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "HideActionTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "HideGuardTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ActivityMore5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   ...", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ColouredDerivedNestedState" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: Car

    // Top Level StateMachine: state
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_Car_state [ tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: Off

      Car_state_Off [label = Off, tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State Off", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"Car^*^state^*^Off\")"];
      // End State: Off

      // State: Running

     subgraph clusterCar_state_Running {
      label = "Running";
      style = "filled, rounded" fillcolor ="lightgreen" 

      // StateMachine: Running
      // Start states are shown as a black circle
      node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
      start_Car_stateRunning [ tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State Running.start" ];
      // Format for normal states
      node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
        // State: state

       subgraph clusterCar_stateRunning_state {
        label = "state";
        style = "filled, rounded" fillcolor ="pink" 

        // Bottom Level StateMachine: state
        // Start states are shown as a black circle
        node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
        start_Car_stateRunningState [ tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State Running.state.start" ];
        // Format for normal states
        node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
          // State: Idle

          Car_stateRunningState_Idle [label = Idle,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="yellow", tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State Running.state.Idle", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"Car^*^state^*^Running.state.Idle\")"];
          // End State: Idle

          // State: Moving

          Car_stateRunningState_Moving [label = Moving,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="green", tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State Running.state.Moving", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"Car^*^state^*^Running.state.Moving\")"];
          // End State: Moving

          // State: Stopped

          Car_stateRunningState_Stopped [label = Stopped,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="red", tooltip = "Class Car, SM state, State Running.state.Stopped", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"Car^*^state^*^Running.state.Stopped\")"];
          // End State: Stopped
        // End Bottom Level StateMachine: state
        // End State: state
      // End StateMachine: Running
      // End State: Running
    // End Top Level StateMachine: state

  // All transitions
    start_Car_state -> Car_state_Off [  tooltip = "start to Off", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    Car_stateRunningState_Stopped -> Car_state_Off [  label = "turnOff", tooltip = "From Running.state.Stopped to Off on turnOff", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"Car*^*state*^*turnOff*^*Running.state.Stopped*^*Off*^*\")" ] ;
  Car_state_Off -> Car_stateRunningState_Idle [  lhead=clusterCar_state_Running,  label = "turnOn", tooltip = "From Off to Running on turnOn", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"Car*^*state*^*turnOn*^*Off*^*Running*^*\")" ] ;
  start_Car_stateRunning -> Car_stateRunningState_Idle [  lhead=clusterCar_stateRunning_state,  tooltip = "start to Running.state", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    start_Car_stateRunningState -> Car_stateRunningState_Idle [  tooltip = "start to Running.state.Idle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    Car_stateRunningState_Moving -> Car_stateRunningState_Idle [  label = "decelerate", tooltip = "From Running.state.Moving to Running.state.Idle on decelerate", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"Car*^*state*^*decelerate*^*Running.state.Moving*^*Running.state.Idle*^*\")" ] ;
  Car_stateRunningState_Idle -> Car_stateRunningState_Moving [  label = "accelerate", tooltip = "From Running.state.Idle to Running.state.Moving on accelerate", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"Car*^*state*^*accelerate*^*Running.state.Idle*^*Running.state.Moving*^*\")" ] ;
  Car_stateRunningState_Stopped -> Car_stateRunningState_Moving [  label = "accelerate", tooltip = "From Running.state.Stopped to Running.state.Moving on accelerate", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"Car*^*state*^*accelerate*^*Running.state.Stopped*^*Running.state.Moving*^*\")" ] ;
  Car_stateRunningState_Moving -> Car_stateRunningState_Stopped [  label = "stop", tooltip = "From Running.state.Moving to Running.state.Stopped on stop", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"Car*^*state*^*stop*^*Running.state.Moving*^*Running.state.Stopped*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ExitMore5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   ...", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "NormalState" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ActivityLess5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   doThisContinuouslyWhileOn();", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ActMore5Transition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1 / {...}", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1
Transition Action:
     ...", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ExitLess5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   doEntry();", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "NestedTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

     subgraph clusterA_sm_s2 {
      label = "s2";
      style = rounded; 

      // Bottom Level StateMachine: s2
      // Start states are shown as a black circle
      node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
      start_A_smS2 [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2.start" ];
      // Format for normal states
      node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
        // State: s2a

        A_smS2_s2a [label = s2a, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2.s2a", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2.s2a\")"];
        // End State: s2a

        // State: s2b

        A_smS2_s2b [label = s2b, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2.s2b", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2.s2b\")"];
        // End State: s2b
      // End Bottom Level StateMachine: s2
      // End State: s2
    // End Top Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_smS2_s2a -> A_sm_s1 [  ltail=clusterA_sm_s2,  label = "e1", tooltip = "From s2 to s1 on e1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s2*^*s1*^*\")" ] ;
  A_sm_s1 -> A_smS2_s2a [  lhead=clusterA_sm_s2,  label = "e1", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;
  start_A_smS2 -> A_smS2_s2a [  tooltip = "start to s2.s2a", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_smS2_s2b -> A_smS2_s2a [  label = "e3", tooltip = "From s2.s2b to s2.s2a on e3", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e3*^*s2.s2b*^*s2.s2a*^*\")" ] ;
  A_sm_s1 -> A_smS2_s2b [  label = "e2", tooltip = "From s1 to s2.s2b on e2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e2*^*s1*^*s2.s2b*^*\")" ] ;
  A_smS2_s2a -> A_smS2_s2b [  label = "e3", tooltip = "From s2.s2a to s2.s2b on e3", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e3*^*s2.s2a*^*s2.s2b*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "NestedState" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

     subgraph clusterA_sm_s2 {
      label = "s2";
      style = rounded; 

      // Bottom Level StateMachine: s2
      // Start states are shown as a black circle
      node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
      start_A_smS2 [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2.start" ];
      // Format for normal states
      node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
        // State: s2a

        A_smS2_s2a [label = s2a, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2.s2a", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2.s2a\")"];
        // End State: s2a
      // End Bottom Level StateMachine: s2
      // End State: s2
    // End Top Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_smS2_s2a [  lhead=clusterA_sm_s2,  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    start_A_smS2 -> A_smS2_s2a [  tooltip = "start to s2.s2a", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "Transition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s2 [  label = "e1", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 on e1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "Exit5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   doEntry5();", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "HideActionState" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "HexColouredState" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: GarageDoor

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: status
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_GarageDoor_status [ tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: Open

      GarageDoor_status_Open [label = Open,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="#FFFF00", tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Open", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Open\")"];
      // End State: Open

      // State: Closing

      GarageDoor_status_Closing [label = Closing,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="#008000", tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Closing", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Closing\")"];
      // End State: Closing

      // State: Closed

      GarageDoor_status_Closed [label = Closed,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="#FF0000", tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Closed", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Closed\")"];
      // End State: Closed

      // State: Opening

      GarageDoor_status_Opening [label = Opening,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="#FFA500", tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State Opening", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^Opening\")"];
      // End State: Opening

      // State: HalfOpen

      GarageDoor_status_HalfOpen [label = HalfOpen,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="#FFC0CB", tooltip = "Class GarageDoor, SM status, State HalfOpen", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"GarageDoor^*^status^*^HalfOpen\")"];
      // End State: HalfOpen
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: status

  // All transitions
    start_GarageDoor_status -> GarageDoor_status_Open [  tooltip = "start to Open", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    GarageDoor_status_Opening -> GarageDoor_status_Open [  label = "reachTop", tooltip = "From Opening to Open on reachTop", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*reachTop*^*Opening*^*Open*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Open -> GarageDoor_status_Closing [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Open to Closing on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Open*^*Closing*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Closing -> GarageDoor_status_Closed [  label = "reachBottom", tooltip = "From Closing to Closed on reachBottom", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*reachBottom*^*Closing*^*Closed*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Closing -> GarageDoor_status_Opening [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Closing to Opening on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Closing*^*Opening*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Closed -> GarageDoor_status_Opening [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Closed to Opening on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Closed*^*Opening*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_HalfOpen -> GarageDoor_status_Opening [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From HalfOpen to Opening on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*HalfOpen*^*Opening*^*\")" ] ;
  GarageDoor_status_Opening -> GarageDoor_status_HalfOpen [  label = "buttonOrObstacle", tooltip = "From Opening to HalfOpen on buttonOrObstacle", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"GarageDoor*^*status*^*buttonOrObstacle*^*Opening*^*HalfOpen*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "Activity5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   doThisContinuouslyWhileOn5();", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "GuardedAutoTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: X

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_X_sm [ tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      X_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State s1
   System.out.println("Starting first sleep");
   System.out.println("Ending first sleep");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      X_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State s2
   System.out.println("Starting second sleep");
   System.out.println("Ending second sleep");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_X_sm -> X_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    X_sm_s1 -> X_sm_s2 [  label = "[guard]", tooltip = "From s1 to s2 automatically
Guard: [guard]", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"X*^*sm*^**^*s1*^*s2*^*[guard]\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ParameterTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: X

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: stateMachine1
     subgraph clusterX_stateMachine1 {
      label = "sm X stateMachine1";
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_X_stateMachine1 [ tooltip = "Class X, SM stateMachine1, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1a

      X_stateMachine1_s1a [label = s1a, tooltip = "Class X, SM stateMachine1, State s1a
   // This do activity sends events to stateMachine1
   ...", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^stateMachine1^*^s1a\")"];
      // End State: s1a

      // State: s1b

      X_stateMachine1_s1b [label = s1b, tooltip = "Class X, SM stateMachine1, State s1b", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^stateMachine1^*^s1b\")"];
      // End State: s1b
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: stateMachine1

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: stateMachine2
     subgraph clusterX_stateMachine2 {
      label = "sm X stateMachine2";
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_X_stateMachine2 [ tooltip = "Class X, SM stateMachine2, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2a

      X_stateMachine2_s2a [label = s2a, tooltip = "Class X, SM stateMachine2, State s2a
   System.out.println("s2a");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^stateMachine2^*^s2a\")"];
      // End State: s2a

      // State: s2b

      X_stateMachine2_s2b [label = s2b, tooltip = "Class X, SM stateMachine2, State s2b
   System.out.println("s2b");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^stateMachine2^*^s2b\")"];
      // End State: s2b
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: stateMachine2

  // All transitions
    start_X_stateMachine1 -> X_stateMachine1_s1a [  tooltip = "start to s1a", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    X_stateMachine1_s1a -> X_stateMachine1_s1b [  tooltip = "From s1a to s1b automatically", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"X*^*stateMachine1*^**^*s1a*^*s1b*^*\")" ] ;
  start_X_stateMachine2 -> X_stateMachine2_s2a [  tooltip = "start to s2a", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    X_stateMachine2_s2b -> X_stateMachine2_s2a [  label = "e(int a) / {...}", tooltip = "From s2b to s2a on e(int a)
Transition Action:
     System.out.println("e"+a);", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"X*^*stateMachine2*^*e(int a)*^*s2b*^*s2a*^*\")" ] ;
  X_stateMachine2_s2a -> X_stateMachine2_s2b [  label = "e(int a) [a > 6] / {...}", tooltip = "From s2a to s2b on e(int a)
Guard:  [a > 6]
Transition Action:
     System.out.println("e"+a);", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"X*^*stateMachine2*^*e(int a)*^*s2a*^*s2b*^* [a > 6]\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "EntryMore5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   ...", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "Entry5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   doEntry5();", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "EntryLess5State" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s2

      A_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s2
   doEntry();", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "start to s2", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;

// Code generated by Umple

digraph "ColouredDerivedState" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: LightBulb

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: state
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_LightBulb_state [ tooltip = "Class LightBulb, SM state, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: Off

      LightBulb_state_Off [label = Off,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="red", tooltip = "Class LightBulb, SM state, State Off", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"LightBulb^*^state^*^Off\")"];
      // End State: Off

      // State: On

      LightBulb_state_On [label = On,style = "filled, rounded", fillcolor ="yellow", tooltip = "Class LightBulb, SM state, State On", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"LightBulb^*^state^*^On\")"];
      // End State: On
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: state

  // All transitions
    start_LightBulb_state -> LightBulb_state_Off [  tooltip = "start to Off", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    LightBulb_state_On -> LightBulb_state_Off [  label = "turnOff", tooltip = "From On to Off on turnOff", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"LightBulb*^*state*^*turnOff*^*On*^*Off*^*\")" ] ;
  LightBulb_state_Off -> LightBulb_state_On [  label = "turnOn", tooltip = "From Off to On on turnOn", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"LightBulb*^*state*^*turnOn*^*Off*^*On*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "TimedTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: X

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_X_sm [ tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: a

      X_sm_a [label = a, tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State a
   System.out.println("entering a");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^sm^*^a\")"];
      // End State: a

      // State: b

      X_sm_b [label = b, tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State b
   System.out.println("entering b");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^sm^*^b\")"];
      // End State: b
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_X_sm -> X_sm_a [  tooltip = "start to a", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    X_sm_a -> X_sm_b [  label = "after(1)", tooltip = "From a to b after(1)", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"X*^*sm*^*after(1)*^*a*^*b*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "AutoTransition" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: X

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_X_sm [ tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      X_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State s1
   System.out.println("Starting first sleep");
   System.out.println("Ending first sleep");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1

      // State: s2

      X_sm_s2 [label = s2, tooltip = "Class X, SM sm, State s2
   System.out.println("Starting second sleep");
   System.out.println("Ending second sleep");", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"X^*^sm^*^s2\")"];
      // End State: s2
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_X_sm -> X_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    X_sm_s1 -> X_sm_s2 [  tooltip = "From s1 to s2 automatically", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"X*^*sm*^**^*s1*^*s2*^*\")" ] ;


// Code generated by Umple

digraph "TransitionSelf" {
  compound = true;

  // Class: A

    // Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm
    // Start states are shown as a black circle
    node [ratio="auto" shape = point, fillcolor="black", width=0.2 ];
    start_A_sm [ tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State start" ];
    // Format for normal states
    node [ratio="auto" shape = rectangle, width=1,style=rounded];
      // State: s1

      A_sm_s1 [label = s1, tooltip = "Class A, SM sm, State s1", URL="javascript:Action.stateClicked(\"A^*^sm^*^s1\")"];
      // End State: s1
    // End Top and Bottom Level StateMachine: sm

  // All transitions
    start_A_sm -> A_sm_s1 [  tooltip = "start to s1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"null\")" ] ;
    A_sm_s1 -> A_sm_s1 [  label = "e1", tooltip = "From s1 to s1 on e1", URL="javascript:Action.transitionClicked(\"A*^*sm*^*e1*^*s1*^*s1*^*\")" ] ;
