
-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyShapes.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Shape2D
sig Shape2D {
  center : one Point

-- Defines a signature for class Point
sig Point {
  x : Int,
  y : Int

-- Defines a signature for class EllipticalShape
sig EllipticalShape extends Shape2D {
  semiMajorAxis : String

-- Defines a signature for class Polygon
sig Polygon extends Shape2D { }

-- Defines a signature for class Circle
sig Circle extends EllipticalShape { }

-- Defines a signature for class Ellipse
sig Ellipse extends EllipticalShape { }

-- Defines a signature for class SimplePolygon
sig SimplePolygon extends Polygon { }

-- Defines a signature for class ArbitraryPolygon
sig ArbitraryPolygon extends Polygon {
  points : Int

-- Defines a signature for class Rectangle
sig Rectangle extends SimplePolygon {
  height : Int,
  width : Int

-- Defines a signature for class RegularPolygon
sig RegularPolygon extends SimplePolygon {
  numPoints : Int,
  radius : Int

-- Defines constraints on association between Shape2D and Point
fact AssociationFact {
  Shape2D <: center in (Shape2D) one -> one (Point)


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from FiniteSat.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Academic
sig Academic {
  students : some Graduate

-- Defines a signature for class Graduate
sig Graduate {
  advisor : one Academic

-- Defines constraints on association between Graduate and Academic
fact AssociationFact {
  Graduate <: advisor in (Graduate) some -> some (Academic)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Academic and class Graduate
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all academic_1 : Academic, graduate_1 : Graduate |
    academic_1 in advisor[graduate_1] <=> graduate_1 in students[academic_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Academic
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no academic_1 : Academic |
    #academic_1.students != 2


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyAssociations.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A {
  b : one B,
  c : lone C,
  ds : some D,
  es : set E

-- Defines a signature for class B
sig B {
  c : one C,
  d : lone D,
  es : some E,
  fs : set F,
  a : one A

-- Defines a signature for class C
sig C {
  d : one D,
  e : lone E,
  fs : some F,
  gs : set G,
  a : one A,
  b : lone B

-- Defines a signature for class D
sig D {
  e : one E,
  f : lone F,
  gs : some G,
  a : one A,
  b : lone B,
  cs : some C

-- Defines a signature for class E
sig E {
  a : one A,
  b : lone B,
  cs : some C,
  ds : set D

-- Defines a signature for class F
sig F {
  b : lone B,
  cs : some C,
  ds : set D

-- Defines a signature for class G
sig G {
  cs : some C,
  ds : set D

-- Defines a signature for class H
sig H { }

-- Defines constraints on association between B and A
fact AssociationFact {
  B <: a in (B) one -> one (A)

-- Defines constraints on association between C and A
fact AssociationFact {
  C <: a in (C) lone -> lone (A)

-- Defines constraints on association between D and A
fact AssociationFact {
  D <: a in (D) some -> some (A)

-- Defines constraints on association between E and A
fact AssociationFact {
  E <: a in (E) set -> set (A)

-- Defines constraints on association between C and B
fact AssociationFact {
  C <: b in (C) one -> one (B)

-- Defines constraints on association between D and B
fact AssociationFact {
  D <: b in (D) lone -> lone (B)

-- Defines constraints on association between E and B
fact AssociationFact {
  E <: b in (E) some -> some (B)

-- Defines constraints on association between F and B
fact AssociationFact {
  F <: b in (F) set -> set (B)

-- Defines constraints on association between D and C
fact AssociationFact {
  D <: cs in (D) one -> one (C)

-- Defines constraints on association between E and C
fact AssociationFact {
  E <: cs in (E) lone -> lone (C)

-- Defines constraints on association between F and C
fact AssociationFact {
  F <: cs in (F) some -> some (C)

-- Defines constraints on association between G and C
fact AssociationFact {
  G <: cs in (G) set -> set (C)

-- Defines constraints on association between E and D
fact AssociationFact {
  E <: ds in (E) one -> one (D)

-- Defines constraints on association between F and D
fact AssociationFact {
  F <: ds in (F) lone -> lone (D)

-- Defines constraints on association between G and D
fact AssociationFact {
  G <: ds in (G) some -> some (D)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class B
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, b_1 : B |
    a_1 in a[b_1] <=> b_1 in b[a_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class C
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, c_1 : C |
    a_1 in a[c_1] <=> c_1 in c[a_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class D
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, d_1 : D |
    a_1 in a[d_1] <=> d_1 in ds[a_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class E
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, e_1 : E |
    a_1 in a[e_1] <=> e_1 in es[a_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class B and class C
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all b_1 : B, c_1 : C |
    b_1 in b[c_1] <=> c_1 in c[b_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class B and class D
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all b_1 : B, d_1 : D |
    b_1 in b[d_1] <=> d_1 in d[b_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class B and class E
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all b_1 : B, e_1 : E |
    b_1 in b[e_1] <=> e_1 in es[b_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class B and class F
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all b_1 : B, f_1 : F |
    b_1 in b[f_1] <=> f_1 in fs[b_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class C and class D
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all c_1 : C, d_1 : D |
    c_1 in cs[d_1] <=> d_1 in d[c_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class C and class E
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all c_1 : C, e_1 : E |
    c_1 in cs[e_1] <=> e_1 in e[c_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class C and class F
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all c_1 : C, f_1 : F |
    c_1 in cs[f_1] <=> f_1 in fs[c_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class C and class G
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all c_1 : C, g_1 : G |
    c_1 in cs[g_1] <=> g_1 in gs[c_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class D and class E
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all d_1 : D, e_1 : E |
    d_1 in ds[e_1] <=> e_1 in e[d_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class D and class F
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all d_1 : D, f_1 : F |
    d_1 in ds[f_1] <=> f_1 in f[d_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class D and class G
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all d_1 : D, g_1 : G |
    d_1 in ds[g_1] <=> g_1 in gs[d_1]


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from singleton.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
one sig A { }


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from UmpleClass.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A { }


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from Alloy_AssociationOneToMany.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A {
  bs : set B,
  a : Int

-- Defines a signature for class B
sig B {
  a : one A

-- Defines constraints on association between B and A
fact AssociationFact {
  B <: a in (B) set -> set (A)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class B
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, b_1 : B |
    a_1 in a[b_1] <=> b_1 in bs[a_1]
module BankingSystem/core/humanResources


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from BankingSystem.ump


-- Defines a signature for class PersonRole
sig PersonRole {
  person : one Person

-- Defines a signature for class Person
sig Person {
  personRoles : set PersonRole,
  name : String,
  address : String,
  phoneNumber : String

-- Defines a signature for class Employee
sig Employee extends PersonRole {
  manager : lone Manager,
  division : one Division

-- Defines a signature for class Client
sig Client extends PersonRole {
  accounts : some Account,
  name : String,
  address : String,
  phoneNumber : String

-- Defines a signature for class Manager
sig Manager extends Employee {
  employees : set Employee

-- Defines a signature for class Account
sig Account {
  accountType : one AccountType,
  clients : some Client,
  branch : one Branch,
  accountNumber : Int,
  balance : Int,
  creditLimit : Int

-- Defines a signature for class AccountType
sig AccountType {
  privileges : set Privilege,
  monthlyFee : Int,
  interestRate : Int

-- Defines a signature for class Privilege
sig Privilege {
  accountTypes : set AccountType,
  description : String

-- Defines a signature for class CreditCardAccount
sig CreditCardAccount extends Account {
  cards : some Card,
  expiryDate : String

-- Defines a signature for class MortgageAccount
sig MortgageAccount extends Account {
  collateral : String

-- Defines a signature for class Card
sig Card {
  creditCardAccount : one CreditCardAccount,
  holderName : String

-- Defines a signature for class Branch
sig Branch extends Division {
  accounts : set Account,
  address : String,
  branchNumber : String

-- Defines a signature for class Division
sig Division {
  employees : set Employee,
  subDivision : set Division,
  name : String

-- Defines constraints on association between PersonRole and Person
fact AssociationFact {
  PersonRole <: person in (PersonRole) set -> set (Person)

-- Defines constraints on association between Account and Client
fact AssociationFact {
  Account <: clients in (Account) some -> some (Client)

-- Defines constraints on association between Employee and Manager
fact AssociationFact {
  Employee <: manager in (Employee) set -> set (Manager)

-- Defines constraints on association between Account and AccountType
fact AssociationFact {
  Account <: accountType in (Account) set -> one (AccountType)

-- Defines constraints on association between Privilege and AccountType
fact AssociationFact {
  Privilege <: accountTypes in (Privilege) set -> set (AccountType)

-- Defines constraints on association between Card and CreditCardAccount
fact AssociationFact {
  Card <: creditCardAccount in (Card) some -> some (CreditCardAccount)

-- Defines constraints on association between Account and Branch
fact AssociationFact {
  Account <: branch in (Account) set -> set (Branch)

-- Defines constraints on association between Employee and Division
fact AssociationFact {
  Employee <: division in (Employee) set -> set (Division)

-- Defines non-reflexive rule for class Division
fact NonReflexiveRule {
  no division_1 : Division |
    division_1 in subDivision[division_1]

-- Defines symmetric rule for class Division
fact SymmetricRelation {
  all division_1, division_2 : Division |
    division_1 in subDivision[division_2] <=> division_2 in subDivision[division_1]

-- Defines non-reflexive rule for class Division
fact NonReflexiveRule {
  no division_1 : Division |
    division_1 in subDivision[division_1]

-- Defines symmetric rule for class Division
fact SymmetricRelation {
  all division_1, division_2 : Division |
    division_1 in subDivision[division_2] <=> division_2 in subDivision[division_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Person and class PersonRole
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all person_1 : Person, personrole_1 : PersonRole |
    person_1 in person[personrole_1] <=> personrole_1 in personRoles[person_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Client and class Account
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all client_1 : Client, account_1 : Account |
    client_1 in clients[account_1] <=> account_1 in accounts[client_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Account
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no account_1 : Account |
    #account_1.clients < 1 || #account_1.clients > 2

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Manager and class Employee
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all manager_1 : Manager, employee_1 : Employee |
    manager_1 in manager[employee_1] <=> employee_1 in employees[manager_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class AccountType and class Privilege
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all accounttype_1 : AccountType, privilege_1 : Privilege |
    accounttype_1 in accountTypes[privilege_1] <=> privilege_1 in privileges[accounttype_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class CreditCardAccount and class Card
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all creditcardaccount_1 : CreditCardAccount, card_1 : Card |
    creditcardaccount_1 in creditCardAccount[card_1] <=> card_1 in cards[creditcardaccount_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Branch and class Account
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all branch_1 : Branch, account_1 : Account |
    branch_1 in branch[account_1] <=> account_1 in accounts[branch_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Division and class Employee
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all division_1 : Division, employee_1 : Employee |
    division_1 in division[employee_1] <=> employee_1 in employees[division_1]

-- Defines generalization hierarchy rule between class Employee and Manager
fact GenHierarchyFact {
  no manager_1 : Manager |
    manager_1.employees = manager_1


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from isARelationship.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A { }

-- Defines a signature for class B
sig B extends A { }


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyReflexiveRelation.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Person
sig Person {
  children : set Person

-- Defines no self relation rule for class Person
fact NoSelfRelation {
  no person_1 : Person |
    person_1 in person_1.^children

-- Defines no extended relation rule for class Person
fact NoExtendedRelation {
  no disj person_1, person_2, person_3 : Person |
    person_1 in children[person_2] && person_1 in children[person_3]


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyGenHierarchy.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Employee
sig Employee {
  manager : lone Manager

-- Defines a signature for class Secretary
sig Secretary extends Employee { }

-- Defines a signature for class Technician
sig Technician extends Employee { }

-- Defines a signature for class Manager
sig Manager extends Employee {
  supervises : set Employee

-- Defines constraints on association between Employee and Manager
fact AssociationFact {
  Employee <: manager in (Employee) set -> set (Manager)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Manager and class Employee
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all manager_1 : Manager, employee_1 : Employee |
    manager_1 in manager[employee_1] <=> employee_1 in supervises[manager_1]

-- Defines generalization hierarchy rule between class Employee and Manager
fact GenHierarchyFact {
  no manager_1 : Manager |
    manager_1.supervises = manager_1


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from Alloy_AssociationOneToOne.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A {
  b : one B

-- Defines a signature for class B
sig B {
  a : one A

-- Defines constraints on association between B and A
fact AssociationFact {
  B <: a in (B) one -> one (A)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class B
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, b_1 : B |
    a_1 in a[b_1] <=> b_1 in b[a_1]


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from abstractSingleton.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
abstract one sig A { }


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloySymmetricReflexive.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Course
sig Course {
  mutuallyExclusiveWith : set Course

-- Defines non-reflexive rule for class Course
fact NonReflexiveRule {
  no course_1 : Course |
    course_1 in mutuallyExclusiveWith[course_1]

-- Defines symmetric rule for class Course
fact SymmetricRelation {
  all course_1, course_2 : Course |
    course_1 in mutuallyExclusiveWith[course_2] <=> course_2 in mutuallyExclusiveWith[course_1]


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AssociationWithNumericBounds.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Man
sig Man {
  children : some Child

-- Defines a signature for class Child
sig Child {
  father : lone Man

-- Defines constraints on association between Child and Man
fact AssociationFact {
  Child <: father in (Child) some -> some (Man)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Man and class Child
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all man_1 : Man, child_1 : Child |
    man_1 in father[child_1] <=> child_1 in children[man_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Man
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no man_1 : Man |
    #man_1.children != 5


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloySophisticatedAssociations.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A {
  bs : set B,
  cs : some C

-- Defines a signature for class B
sig B {
  cs : some C,
  a : lone A

-- Defines a signature for class C
sig C {
  as_ : some A,
  b : one B,
  d : one D

-- Defines a signature for class D
sig D {
  cs : some C

-- Defines constraints on association between B and A
fact AssociationFact {
  B <: a in (B) set -> set (A)

-- Defines constraints on association between C and B
fact AssociationFact {
  C <: b in (C) some -> some (B)

-- Defines constraints on association between A and C
fact AssociationFact {
  A <: cs in (A) some -> some (C)

-- Defines constraints on association between C and D
fact AssociationFact {
  C <: d in (C) some -> some (D)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class A and class B
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all a_1 : A, b_1 : B |
    a_1 in a[b_1] <=> b_1 in bs[a_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class A
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no a_1 : A |
    #a_1.bs > 2

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class B and class C
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all b_1 : B, c_1 : C |
    b_1 in b[c_1] <=> c_1 in cs[b_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class B
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no b_1 : B |
    #b_1.cs < 1 || #b_1.cs > 3

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class C and class A
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all c_1 : C, a_1 : A |
    c_1 in cs[a_1] <=> a_1 in as_[c_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class A
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no a_1 : A |
    #a_1.cs < 3 || #a_1.cs > 5

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class C
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no c_1 : C |
    #c_1.as_ < 3 || #c_1.as_ > 7

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class D and class C
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all d_1 : D, c_1 : C |
    d_1 in d[c_1] <=> c_1 in cs[d_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class D
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no d_1 : D |
    #d_1.cs != 4
module realestate


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyRealEstateSystem.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Address
sig Address {
  numberOnStreet : Int,
  apartmentOrUnit : Int,
  street : String,
  city : String,
  postalCode : String

-- Defines a signature for class GPSCoord
sig GPSCoord {
  lattitude : Int,
  longitude : Int

-- Defines a signature for class Property
sig Property {
  neighbourhood : one Neighbourhood,
  propertySales : set PropertySale,
  propertyForSales : set PropertyForSale,
  propertyAddress : Address,
  numberBedrooms : Int,
  numberBathrooms : Int,
  squareFeet : Int,
  numFloors : Int,
  gpsCoord : GPSCoord

-- Defines a signature for class Neighbourhood
sig Neighbourhood {
  properties : set Property,
  agents : set Agent,
  description : String,
  gpsCoordsOfBoundary : set GPSCoord

-- Defines a signature for class PropertySale
sig PropertySale {
  property : one Property,
  propertyForSale : lone PropertyForSale,
  salePrice : Int,
  seller : String,
  buyer : String

-- Defines a signature for class OpenHouse
sig OpenHouse {
  propertyForSale : one PropertyForSale,
  agentInCharge : lone Agent,
  date : String,
  startTime : String,
  endTime : String

-- Defines a signature for class Agent
sig Agent {
  specializingNeighbourhoods : set Neighbourhood,
  openHouses : set OpenHouse,
  propertyForSales : set PropertyForSale,
  name : String,
  licenseNumber : String,
  emailAddress : String,
  officePhoneNumber : String,
  cellPhoneNumber : String,
  officeAddress : Address

-- Defines a signature for class PropertyForSale
sig PropertyForSale {
  listedProperty : one Property,
  listingAgent : lone Agent,
  propertySale : lone PropertySale,
  openHouses : set OpenHouse,
  listingNumber : Int,
  askingPrice : Int,
  dateListedForSale : String

-- Defines constraints on association between Neighbourhood and Property
fact AssociationFact {
  Neighbourhood <: properties in (Neighbourhood) one -> one (Property)

-- Defines constraints on association between Property and PropertySale
fact AssociationFact {
  Property <: propertySales in (Property) one -> one (PropertySale)

-- Defines constraints on association between PropertyForSale and OpenHouse
fact AssociationFact {
  PropertyForSale <: openHouses in (PropertyForSale) one -> one (OpenHouse)

-- Defines constraints on association between Agent and OpenHouse
fact AssociationFact {
  Agent <: openHouses in (Agent) lone -> lone (OpenHouse)

-- Defines constraints on association between Neighbourhood and Agent
fact AssociationFact {
  Neighbourhood <: agents in (Neighbourhood) set -> set (Agent)

-- Defines constraints on association between Property and PropertyForSale
fact AssociationFact {
  Property <: propertyForSales in (Property) one -> one (PropertyForSale)

-- Defines constraints on association between Agent and PropertyForSale
fact AssociationFact {
  Agent <: propertyForSales in (Agent) lone -> lone (PropertyForSale)

-- Defines constraints on association between PropertySale and PropertyForSale
fact AssociationFact {
  PropertySale <: propertyForSale in (PropertySale) lone -> lone (PropertyForSale)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Property and class Neighbourhood
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all property_1 : Property, neighbourhood_1 : Neighbourhood |
    property_1 in properties[neighbourhood_1] <=> neighbourhood_1 in neighbourhood[property_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class PropertySale and class Property
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all propertysale_1 : PropertySale, property_1 : Property |
    propertysale_1 in propertySales[property_1] <=> property_1 in property[propertysale_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class OpenHouse and class PropertyForSale
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all openhouse_1 : OpenHouse, propertyforsale_1 : PropertyForSale |
    openhouse_1 in openHouses[propertyforsale_1] <=> propertyforsale_1 in propertyForSale[openhouse_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class OpenHouse and class Agent
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all openhouse_1 : OpenHouse, agent_1 : Agent |
    openhouse_1 in openHouses[agent_1] <=> agent_1 in agentInCharge[openhouse_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Agent and class Neighbourhood
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all agent_1 : Agent, neighbourhood_1 : Neighbourhood |
    agent_1 in agents[neighbourhood_1] <=> neighbourhood_1 in specializingNeighbourhoods[agent_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class PropertyForSale and class Property
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all propertyforsale_1 : PropertyForSale, property_1 : Property |
    propertyforsale_1 in propertyForSales[property_1] <=> property_1 in listedProperty[propertyforsale_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class PropertyForSale and class Agent
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all propertyforsale_1 : PropertyForSale, agent_1 : Agent |
    propertyforsale_1 in propertyForSales[agent_1] <=> agent_1 in listingAgent[propertyforsale_1]

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class PropertyForSale and class PropertySale
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all propertyforsale_1 : PropertyForSale, propertysale_1 : PropertySale |
    propertyforsale_1 in propertyForSale[propertysale_1] <=> propertysale_1 in propertySale[propertyforsale_1]


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyAssociation.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Man
sig Man {
  wives : some Woman,
  children : some Child

-- Defines a signature for class Woman
sig Woman {
  husband : one Man

-- Defines a signature for class Child
sig Child {
  father : lone Man

-- Defines constraints on association between Woman and Man
fact AssociationFact {
  Woman <: husband in (Woman) some -> some (Man)

-- Defines constraints on association between Child and Man
fact AssociationFact {
  Child <: father in (Child) some -> some (Man)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Man and class Woman
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all man_1 : Man, woman_1 : Woman |
    man_1 in husband[woman_1] <=> woman_1 in wives[man_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Man
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no man_1 : Man |
    #man_1.wives != 2

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Man and class Child
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all man_1 : Man, child_1 : Child |
    man_1 in father[child_1] <=> child_1 in children[man_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Man
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no man_1 : Man |
    #man_1.children < 1 || #man_1.children > 5


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from AlloyExample1.ump


-- Defines a signature for class Employee
sig Employee {
  worksIn : some Address

-- Defines a signature for class Address
sig Address {
  employees : some Employee

-- Defines constraints on association between Address and Employee
fact AssociationFact {
  Address <: employees in (Address) some -> some (Employee)

-- Defines bidirectionality rule between class Employee and class Address
fact BidirectionalityRule {
  all employee_1 : Employee, address_1 : Address |
    employee_1 in employees[address_1] <=> address_1 in worksIn[employee_1]

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Address
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no address_1 : Address |
    #address_1.employees != 5

-- Defines numeric bound rule for class Employee
fact NumericBoundFact {
  no employee_1 : Employee |
    #employee_1.worksIn != 4


-- This Alloy file is generated using Umple from Alloy_Unidirectional.ump


-- Defines a signature for class A
sig A {
  bs : set B

-- Defines a signature for class B
sig B { }

-- Defines a signature for class C
sig C {
  b : one B

-- Defines constraints on association between A and B
fact AssociationFact {
  A <: bs in (A) one -> set (B)

-- Defines constraints on association between C and B
fact AssociationFact {
  C <: b in (C) set -> set (B)