/*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ import java.util.*; import java.io.Serializable; // line 1 "AssociationSortedWithNameSpace.ump" public class Student implements java.io.Serializable { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Student Attributes private int id; private transient Comparator<Mentor> ProfsPriority; //Student Associations private List<Mentor> Profs; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Student(int aId) { id = aId; ProfsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Mentor::getName); Profs = new ArrayList<Mentor>(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setId(int aId) { boolean wasSet = false; id = aId; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public boolean setProfsPriority(Comparator<Mentor> aProfsPriority) { boolean wasSet = false; ProfsPriority = aProfsPriority; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public int getId() { return id; } public Comparator<Mentor> getProfsPriority() { return ProfsPriority; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Mentor getProf(int index) { Mentor aProf = Profs.get(index); return aProf; } public List<Mentor> getProfs() { List<Mentor> newProfs = Collections.unmodifiableList(Profs); return newProfs; } public int numberOfProfs() { int number = Profs.size(); return number; } public boolean hasProfs() { boolean has = Profs.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfProf(Mentor aProf) { int index = Profs.indexOf(aProf); return index; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfProfs() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToManyMethod */ public boolean addProf(Mentor aProf) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (Profs.contains(aProf)) { return false; } Profs.add(aProf); if (aProf.indexOfMyStudent(this) != -1) { wasAdded = true; } else { wasAdded = aProf.addMyStudent(this); if (!wasAdded) { Profs.remove(aProf); } } if(wasAdded) Collections.sort(Profs, ProfsPriority); return wasAdded; } /* Code from template association_RemoveMany */ public boolean removeProf(Mentor aProf) { boolean wasRemoved = false; if (!Profs.contains(aProf)) { return wasRemoved; } int oldIndex = Profs.indexOf(aProf); Profs.remove(oldIndex); if (aProf.indexOfMyStudent(this) == -1) { wasRemoved = true; } else { wasRemoved = aProf.removeMyStudent(this); if (!wasRemoved) { Profs.add(oldIndex,aProf); } } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_sorted_serializable_readObject */ private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws Exception { in.defaultReadObject(); ProfsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Mentor::getName); } public void delete() { ArrayList<Mentor> copyOfProfs = new ArrayList<Mentor>(Profs); Profs.clear(); for(Mentor aProf : copyOfProfs) { aProf.removeMyStudent(this); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "id" + ":" + getId()+ "]" + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "ProfsPriority" + "=" + (getProfsPriority() != null ? !getProfsPriority().equals(this) ? getProfsPriority().toString().replaceAll(" "," ") : "this" : "null"); } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ import java.util.*; import java.io.Serializable; // line 5 "AssociationSortedWithNameSpace.ump" public class Mentor implements java.io.Serializable { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Mentor Attributes private String name; private transient Comparator<Student> myStudentsPriority; //Mentor Associations private List<Student> myStudents; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Mentor(String aName) { name = aName; myStudentsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Student::getId); myStudents = new ArrayList<Student>(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setName(String aName) { boolean wasSet = false; name = aName; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public boolean setMyStudentsPriority(Comparator<Student> aMyStudentsPriority) { boolean wasSet = false; myStudentsPriority = aMyStudentsPriority; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getName() { return name; } public Comparator<Student> getMyStudentsPriority() { return myStudentsPriority; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Student getMyStudent(int index) { Student aMyStudent = myStudents.get(index); return aMyStudent; } public List<Student> getMyStudents() { List<Student> newMyStudents = Collections.unmodifiableList(myStudents); return newMyStudents; } public int numberOfMyStudents() { int number = myStudents.size(); return number; } public boolean hasMyStudents() { boolean has = myStudents.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfMyStudent(Student aMyStudent) { int index = myStudents.indexOf(aMyStudent); return index; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfMyStudents() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToManyMethod */ public boolean addMyStudent(Student aMyStudent) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (myStudents.contains(aMyStudent)) { return false; } myStudents.add(aMyStudent); if (aMyStudent.indexOfProf(this) != -1) { wasAdded = true; } else { wasAdded = aMyStudent.addProf(this); if (!wasAdded) { myStudents.remove(aMyStudent); } } if(wasAdded) Collections.sort(myStudents, myStudentsPriority); return wasAdded; } /* Code from template association_RemoveMany */ public boolean removeMyStudent(Student aMyStudent) { boolean wasRemoved = false; if (!myStudents.contains(aMyStudent)) { return wasRemoved; } int oldIndex = myStudents.indexOf(aMyStudent); myStudents.remove(oldIndex); if (aMyStudent.indexOfProf(this) == -1) { wasRemoved = true; } else { wasRemoved = aMyStudent.removeProf(this); if (!wasRemoved) { myStudents.add(oldIndex,aMyStudent); } } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_sorted_serializable_readObject */ private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws Exception { in.defaultReadObject(); myStudentsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Student::getId); } public void delete() { ArrayList<Student> copyOfMyStudents = new ArrayList<Student>(myStudents); myStudents.clear(); for(Student aMyStudent : copyOfMyStudents) { aMyStudent.removeProf(this); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "name" + ":" + getName()+ "]" + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "myStudentsPriority" + "=" + (getMyStudentsPriority() != null ? !getMyStudentsPriority().equals(this) ? getMyStudentsPriority().toString().replaceAll(" "," ") : "this" : "null"); } }