/*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ import java.util.*; import java.io.Serializable; // line 6 "AssociationSortedSerializable.ump" public class Student implements java.io.Serializable { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Student Attributes private int id; private String name; //Student Associations private Academy academy; private List<Registration> registrations; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Student(int aId, String aName, Academy aAcademy) { id = aId; name = aName; boolean didAddAcademy = setAcademy(aAcademy); if (!didAddAcademy) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create registrant due to academy. See https://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html"); } registrations = new ArrayList<Registration>(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setId(int aId) { boolean wasSet = false; id = aId; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public boolean setName(String aName) { boolean wasSet = false; name = aName; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } /* Code from template association_GetOne */ public Academy getAcademy() { return academy; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Registration getRegistration(int index) { Registration aRegistration = registrations.get(index); return aRegistration; } public List<Registration> getRegistrations() { List<Registration> newRegistrations = Collections.unmodifiableList(registrations); return newRegistrations; } public int numberOfRegistrations() { int number = registrations.size(); return number; } public boolean hasRegistrations() { boolean has = registrations.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfRegistration(Registration aRegistration) { int index = registrations.indexOf(aRegistration); return index; } /* Code from template association_SetOneToMany */ public boolean setAcademy(Academy aAcademy) { boolean wasSet = false; if (aAcademy == null) { return wasSet; } Academy existingAcademy = academy; academy = aAcademy; if (existingAcademy != null && !existingAcademy.equals(aAcademy)) { existingAcademy.removeRegistrant(this); } academy.addRegistrant(this); wasSet = true; return wasSet; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfRegistrations() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToOne */ public Registration addRegistration(Course aCourse) { return new Registration(this, aCourse); } public boolean addRegistration(Registration aRegistration) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (registrations.contains(aRegistration)) { return false; } Student existingStudent = aRegistration.getStudent(); boolean isNewStudent = existingStudent != null && !this.equals(existingStudent); if (isNewStudent) { aRegistration.setStudent(this); } else { registrations.add(aRegistration); } wasAdded = true; return wasAdded; } public boolean removeRegistration(Registration aRegistration) { boolean wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aRegistration, as it must always have a student if (!this.equals(aRegistration.getStudent())) { registrations.remove(aRegistration); wasRemoved = true; } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_AddIndexControlFunctions */ public boolean addRegistrationAt(Registration aRegistration, int index) { boolean wasAdded = false; if(addRegistration(aRegistration)) { if(index < 0 ) { index = 0; } if(index > numberOfRegistrations()) { index = numberOfRegistrations() - 1; } registrations.remove(aRegistration); registrations.add(index, aRegistration); wasAdded = true; } return wasAdded; } public boolean addOrMoveRegistrationAt(Registration aRegistration, int index) { boolean wasAdded = false; if(registrations.contains(aRegistration)) { if(index < 0 ) { index = 0; } if(index > numberOfRegistrations()) { index = numberOfRegistrations() - 1; } registrations.remove(aRegistration); registrations.add(index, aRegistration); wasAdded = true; } else { wasAdded = addRegistrationAt(aRegistration, index); } return wasAdded; } public void delete() { Academy placeholderAcademy = academy; this.academy = null; if(placeholderAcademy != null) { placeholderAcademy.removeRegistrant(this); } for(int i=registrations.size(); i > 0; i--) { Registration aRegistration = registrations.get(i - 1); aRegistration.delete(); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "id" + ":" + getId()+ "," + "name" + ":" + getName()+ "]" + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "academy = "+(getAcademy()!=null?Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(getAcademy())):"null"); } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ import java.io.Serializable; // line 15 "AssociationSortedSerializable.ump" public class Registration implements java.io.Serializable { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Registration Associations private Student student; private Course course; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Registration(Student aStudent, Course aCourse) { boolean didAddStudent = setStudent(aStudent); if (!didAddStudent) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create registration due to student. See https://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html"); } boolean didAddCourse = setCourse(aCourse); if (!didAddCourse) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create registration due to course. See https://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html"); } } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public String getName() { return getStudent().getName(); } public String getCode() { return getCourse().getCode(); } /* Code from template association_GetOne */ public Student getStudent() { return student; } /* Code from template association_GetOne */ public Course getCourse() { return course; } /* Code from template association_SetOneToMany */ public boolean setStudent(Student aStudent) { boolean wasSet = false; if (aStudent == null) { return wasSet; } Student existingStudent = student; student = aStudent; if (existingStudent != null && !existingStudent.equals(aStudent)) { existingStudent.removeRegistration(this); } student.addRegistration(this); wasSet = true; return wasSet; } /* Code from template association_SetOneToMany */ public boolean setCourse(Course aCourse) { boolean wasSet = false; if (aCourse == null) { return wasSet; } Course existingCourse = course; course = aCourse; if (existingCourse != null && !existingCourse.equals(aCourse)) { existingCourse.removeRegistration(this); } course.addRegistration(this); wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public void delete() { Student placeholderStudent = student; this.student = null; if(placeholderStudent != null) { placeholderStudent.removeRegistration(this); } Course placeholderCourse = course; this.course = null; if(placeholderCourse != null) { placeholderCourse.removeRegistration(this); } } // line 23 "AssociationSortedSerializable.ump" public String toString(){ return "Registration: " + getName() + ":" + getCode(); } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ import java.util.*; import java.io.Serializable; // line 1 "AssociationSortedSerializable.ump" public class Academy implements java.io.Serializable { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Academy Attributes private transient Comparator<Course> coursesPriority; private transient Comparator<Student> registrantsPriority; //Academy Associations private List<Course> courses; private List<Student> registrants; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Academy() { coursesPriority = Comparator.comparing(Course::getCode); registrantsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Student::getId); courses = new ArrayList<Course>(); registrants = new ArrayList<Student>(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setCoursesPriority(Comparator<Course> aCoursesPriority) { boolean wasSet = false; coursesPriority = aCoursesPriority; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public boolean setRegistrantsPriority(Comparator<Student> aRegistrantsPriority) { boolean wasSet = false; registrantsPriority = aRegistrantsPriority; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public Comparator<Course> getCoursesPriority() { return coursesPriority; } public Comparator<Student> getRegistrantsPriority() { return registrantsPriority; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Course getCourse(int index) { Course aCourse = courses.get(index); return aCourse; } public List<Course> getCourses() { List<Course> newCourses = Collections.unmodifiableList(courses); return newCourses; } public int numberOfCourses() { int number = courses.size(); return number; } public boolean hasCourses() { boolean has = courses.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfCourse(Course aCourse) { int index = courses.indexOf(aCourse); return index; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Student getRegistrant(int index) { Student aRegistrant = registrants.get(index); return aRegistrant; } public List<Student> getRegistrants() { List<Student> newRegistrants = Collections.unmodifiableList(registrants); return newRegistrants; } public int numberOfRegistrants() { int number = registrants.size(); return number; } public boolean hasRegistrants() { boolean has = registrants.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfRegistrant(Student aRegistrant) { int index = registrants.indexOf(aRegistrant); return index; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfCourses() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToOne */ public Course addCourse(String aCode) { return new Course(aCode, this); } public boolean addCourse(Course aCourse) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (courses.contains(aCourse)) { return false; } Academy existingAcademy = aCourse.getAcademy(); boolean isNewAcademy = existingAcademy != null && !this.equals(existingAcademy); if (isNewAcademy) { aCourse.setAcademy(this); } else { courses.add(aCourse); } wasAdded = true; if(wasAdded) Collections.sort(courses, coursesPriority); return wasAdded; } public boolean removeCourse(Course aCourse) { boolean wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aCourse, as it must always have a academy if (!this.equals(aCourse.getAcademy())) { courses.remove(aCourse); wasRemoved = true; } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfRegistrants() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToOne */ public Student addRegistrant(int aId, String aName) { return new Student(aId, aName, this); } public boolean addRegistrant(Student aRegistrant) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (registrants.contains(aRegistrant)) { return false; } Academy existingAcademy = aRegistrant.getAcademy(); boolean isNewAcademy = existingAcademy != null && !this.equals(existingAcademy); if (isNewAcademy) { aRegistrant.setAcademy(this); } else { registrants.add(aRegistrant); } wasAdded = true; if(wasAdded) Collections.sort(registrants, registrantsPriority); return wasAdded; } public boolean removeRegistrant(Student aRegistrant) { boolean wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aRegistrant, as it must always have a academy if (!this.equals(aRegistrant.getAcademy())) { registrants.remove(aRegistrant); wasRemoved = true; } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_sorted_serializable_readObject */ private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws Exception { in.defaultReadObject(); coursesPriority = Comparator.comparing(Course::getCode); registrantsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Student::getId); } public void delete() { for(int i=courses.size(); i > 0; i--) { Course aCourse = courses.get(i - 1); aCourse.delete(); } for(int i=registrants.size(); i > 0; i--) { Student aRegistrant = registrants.get(i - 1); aRegistrant.delete(); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "]" + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "coursesPriority" + "=" + (getCoursesPriority() != null ? !getCoursesPriority().equals(this) ? getCoursesPriority().toString().replaceAll(" "," ") : "this" : "null") + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "registrantsPriority" + "=" + (getRegistrantsPriority() != null ? !getRegistrantsPriority().equals(this) ? getRegistrantsPriority().toString().replaceAll(" "," ") : "this" : "null"); } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ import java.util.*; import java.io.Serializable; // line 11 "AssociationSortedSerializable.ump" public class Course implements java.io.Serializable { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Course Attributes private String code; private transient Comparator<Registration> registrationsPriority; //Course Associations private Academy academy; private List<Registration> registrations; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Course(String aCode, Academy aAcademy) { code = aCode; registrationsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Registration::getName); boolean didAddAcademy = setAcademy(aAcademy); if (!didAddAcademy) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create course due to academy. See https://manual.umple.org?RE002ViolationofAssociationMultiplicity.html"); } registrations = new ArrayList<Registration>(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setCode(String aCode) { boolean wasSet = false; code = aCode; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public boolean setRegistrationsPriority(Comparator<Registration> aRegistrationsPriority) { boolean wasSet = false; registrationsPriority = aRegistrationsPriority; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getCode() { return code; } public Comparator<Registration> getRegistrationsPriority() { return registrationsPriority; } /* Code from template association_GetOne */ public Academy getAcademy() { return academy; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Registration getRegistration(int index) { Registration aRegistration = registrations.get(index); return aRegistration; } public List<Registration> getRegistrations() { List<Registration> newRegistrations = Collections.unmodifiableList(registrations); return newRegistrations; } public int numberOfRegistrations() { int number = registrations.size(); return number; } public boolean hasRegistrations() { boolean has = registrations.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfRegistration(Registration aRegistration) { int index = registrations.indexOf(aRegistration); return index; } /* Code from template association_SetOneToMany */ public boolean setAcademy(Academy aAcademy) { boolean wasSet = false; if (aAcademy == null) { return wasSet; } Academy existingAcademy = academy; academy = aAcademy; if (existingAcademy != null && !existingAcademy.equals(aAcademy)) { existingAcademy.removeCourse(this); } academy.addCourse(this); wasSet = true; return wasSet; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfRegistrations() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToOne */ public Registration addRegistration(Student aStudent) { return new Registration(aStudent, this); } public boolean addRegistration(Registration aRegistration) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (registrations.contains(aRegistration)) { return false; } Course existingCourse = aRegistration.getCourse(); boolean isNewCourse = existingCourse != null && !this.equals(existingCourse); if (isNewCourse) { aRegistration.setCourse(this); } else { registrations.add(aRegistration); } wasAdded = true; if(wasAdded) Collections.sort(registrations, registrationsPriority); return wasAdded; } public boolean removeRegistration(Registration aRegistration) { boolean wasRemoved = false; //Unable to remove aRegistration, as it must always have a course if (!this.equals(aRegistration.getCourse())) { registrations.remove(aRegistration); wasRemoved = true; } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_sorted_serializable_readObject */ private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws Exception { in.defaultReadObject(); registrationsPriority = Comparator.comparing(Registration::getName); } public void delete() { Academy placeholderAcademy = academy; this.academy = null; if(placeholderAcademy != null) { placeholderAcademy.removeCourse(this); } for(int i=registrations.size(); i > 0; i--) { Registration aRegistration = registrations.get(i - 1); aRegistration.delete(); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "code" + ":" + getCode()+ "]" + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "registrationsPriority" + "=" + (getRegistrationsPriority() != null ? !getRegistrationsPriority().equals(this) ? getRegistrationsPriority().toString().replaceAll(" "," ") : "this" : "null") + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "academy = "+(getAcademy()!=null?Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(getAcademy())):"null"); } }