/*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ package example; import java.util.*; // line 3 "../OptionalOneToManyTest.ump" public class Mentor { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Mentor Attributes private String name; //Mentor Associations private List<Student> students; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Mentor(String aName) { name = aName; students = new ArrayList<Student>(); } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setName(String aName) { boolean wasSet = false; name = aName; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getName() { return name; } /* Code from template association_GetMany */ public Student getStudent(int index) { Student aStudent = students.get(index); return aStudent; } public List<Student> getStudents() { List<Student> newStudents = Collections.unmodifiableList(students); return newStudents; } public int numberOfStudents() { int number = students.size(); return number; } public boolean hasStudents() { boolean has = students.size() > 0; return has; } public int indexOfStudent(Student aStudent) { int index = students.indexOf(aStudent); return index; } /* Code from template association_MinimumNumberOfMethod */ public static int minimumNumberOfStudents() { return 0; } /* Code from template association_AddManyToOptionalOne */ public boolean addStudent(Student aStudent) { boolean wasAdded = false; if (students.contains(aStudent)) { return false; } Mentor existingMentor = aStudent.getMentor(); if (existingMentor == null) { aStudent.setMentor(this); } else if (!this.equals(existingMentor)) { existingMentor.removeStudent(aStudent); addStudent(aStudent); } else { students.add(aStudent); } wasAdded = true; return wasAdded; } public boolean removeStudent(Student aStudent) { boolean wasRemoved = false; if (students.contains(aStudent)) { students.remove(aStudent); aStudent.setMentor(null); wasRemoved = true; } return wasRemoved; } /* Code from template association_AddIndexControlFunctions */ public boolean addStudentAt(Student aStudent, int index) { boolean wasAdded = false; if(addStudent(aStudent)) { if(index < 0 ) { index = 0; } if(index > numberOfStudents()) { index = numberOfStudents() - 1; } students.remove(aStudent); students.add(index, aStudent); wasAdded = true; } return wasAdded; } public boolean addOrMoveStudentAt(Student aStudent, int index) { boolean wasAdded = false; if(students.contains(aStudent)) { if(index < 0 ) { index = 0; } if(index > numberOfStudents()) { index = numberOfStudents() - 1; } students.remove(aStudent); students.add(index, aStudent); wasAdded = true; } else { wasAdded = addStudentAt(aStudent, index); } return wasAdded; } public void delete() { while( !students.isEmpty() ) { students.get(0).setMentor(null); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "name" + ":" + getName()+ "]"; } } /*PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE*/ /*This code was generated using the UMPLE modeling language!*/ package example; // line 9 "../OptionalOneToManyTest.ump" public class Student { //------------------------ // MEMBER VARIABLES //------------------------ //Student Attributes private String number; //Student Associations private Mentor mentor; //------------------------ // CONSTRUCTOR //------------------------ public Student(String aNumber) { number = aNumber; } //------------------------ // INTERFACE //------------------------ public boolean setNumber(String aNumber) { boolean wasSet = false; number = aNumber; wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public String getNumber() { return number; } /* Code from template association_GetOne */ public Mentor getMentor() { return mentor; } public boolean hasMentor() { boolean has = mentor != null; return has; } /* Code from template association_SetOptionalOneToMany */ public boolean setMentor(Mentor aMentor) { boolean wasSet = false; Mentor existingMentor = mentor; mentor = aMentor; if (existingMentor != null && !existingMentor.equals(aMentor)) { existingMentor.removeStudent(this); } if (aMentor != null) { aMentor.addStudent(this); } wasSet = true; return wasSet; } public void delete() { if (mentor != null) { Mentor placeholderMentor = mentor; this.mentor = null; placeholderMentor.removeStudent(this); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "["+ "number" + ":" + getNumber()+ "]" + System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") + " " + "mentor = "+(getMentor()!=null?Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(getMentor())):"null"); } }